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3 r' <br />Motion was made by Commissioner <br />that the public hearing be continued <br />Planning Board's recommendation. <br />VOTE: UNANIPIOU$. <br />to <br />Marshall, seconded by Chair Willhoit <br />to Jar_uary 7, 1984 to receive the <br />7. 9~p~,E_1'~1RI~~~-PLANNED EVE=,Q$~+'ENT/~PFC3AL_ USE_ PERMIT APPLICATION <br />S470RN IN: Doris Huckabee, Rodney Turner, Steve Medlin, Ricky Smith, <br />Frank Williams, Phil Post, Roger bale Stephens, Evelyn Poole-Kober, and <br />Marvin <br />Collins. <br />Marvin Collins made the staff presentation. He cited the receipt of a <br />letter from Marvin T. Glenn in apposition of the proposal. The purpose of <br />this item is to receive public comment on a proposed Planned Develop- <br />ment/Special Use Permit application for 52.78 acres of land located west of <br />NC 8 and east of the Interstate 40 corridor. The purpose of the request is <br />to permit the construction of a 57 unit mobile home park on lots 13 and 23 of <br />map X49 in Hillsborough Township. The present zoning classification of the <br />property is R-1 Residential, while the requested designation is PD-H-R1. The <br />property is located in a Rural Residential area as designated on the Orange <br />County Land Use Plan. That designation permits single-family residential <br />housing. Certain development standards must be met and a Special Use Permit <br />obtained to cluster the mobile home units an the property. <br />The Planning Staff recommends approval of the request subject to the <br />following conditions: <br />1. The grantee of this Special Use Permit shall post with Orange <br />County, in a farm acceptable to the County Attorney, a bond or <br />letter of credit in an amount equal to the cost of all improve- <br />ments plus 10~. The amount shall be determined on the basis of <br />fully executed construction contracts or certification by a <br />registered engineer employed by the grantee of this Special Use <br />Permit. security for construction of the improvements in this <br />project may follow phasing in the project. Specifically, as <br />improvements are completed in each phase that phase and a cor- <br />responding amount of money may be released from the security <br />instruments or the security instruments may be renegotiated <br />based on the "yet to do" portion of the improvements. <br />2. Security shall be provided for the grading, paving and stabili- <br />zation of all cleared areas, streets and other vehicular travel <br />ways; sidewalks and other pedestrian walkways, erection of <br />street signs; utility installation and hookups and "tot lot"; <br />landscaping and mulching around all mobile home units. <br />3. All necessary easements to permit utility (electricity. tele- <br />phone and cable television by any cable television provider <br />franchised by Orange County to serve this development) <br />installation, servicing and hookups to the development and to <br />each unit within the devopmert shall be provided at no cost to <br />the utility provider. <br />4. Roads, parking areas, walkways, street signs, utilities, recrea- <br />tion facilities and sites, landscaping and mulching around units <br />shall be maintained as constructed. All such improvements and <br />