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~~v <br />9 <br />and the Universities. Ne added that bath the location and its accessibility <br />were important considerations in the firm's decision to relocate. <br />Mr. Stone noted that the Planning Department staff had favorable <br />considered the application and had noted deficiences which he wished to <br />address. These included landscaping requirements and screening requirements. <br />He advised the Boards that the firm was willing to comply with the <br />landscaping requirements and would provide additional landscaping in the <br />parking areas to meet the requirements of the ordinance. <br />He addressed the screening requirements clarifying that the screening <br />requirement was not met along the property edge of Parcel B. He noted that <br />the purpose of the screening requirement was to provide visual obscuratian <br />and a sense of spatial separation between different uses of the property, <br />according to the ordinance. He continued that this requirement is already <br />satisfied because Parcel B, in order to be developed, would be subject to <br />plan review at a later date and satisfaction of this requirement. He added <br />that there were 80-100 existing trees on Parcel B which were greater than <br />25-30 feet in height and that there was tremendous spatial separation between <br />the buildings proposed and the nearest residential property. He noted there <br />was 75 feet between the structures and the property line of Parcel B and then <br />another 300 feet to the next residential property. <br />On this basis, he asked that the Boards favorably consider the request <br />that the screening requirements for Parcel B of deferred until Parcel B is <br />developed according to a subsequently reviewed and approved site plan. <br />Kith regards to other screening requirements along the western property <br />line, he noted that screening requirements are of no use to vacant property, <br />that according to the Lane Use Plan is designated for commercial and <br />industrial use. <br />On this basis, he asked that the Boards favorably consider adding a <br />stipulation that t•he screening requirement be met if and when the adjacent. <br />property to the west is developed for residential, rather than commercial or <br />industrial purposes. <br />Evelyn Poole-Kober, representing the Town of Hillsborough Planning <br />Board, spoke to the project. She indicated that the Planning Board preferred <br />that the industrial plan for the entire tract be submitted, rather than <br />individual sections. She indicated that there was a clear concern for water <br />supply and quality and asked that the firm submit a pretreatment plan for <br />wastewater disposal. She expressed concern about the paint operation and <br />hazardous materials used and asked if a list of these substances had been <br />submitted to the Fire Department to ascertain emergency capability. <br />Stone responded that at this time the firm was not in the position in <br />terms of capital or intention to put in a paint facility. He cited technical <br />innovations and compliance with OSHA standards as well as noted that their <br />operation has little impact on discharge into the Town's water supply. He <br />continued that the State of I`Torth Carolina distinguishes between toxic and <br />non-toxic substances. He reviewed his operation citing that the firm uses <br />cut wood .and produces only organic waste, not toxic waste, and that there is <br />no discharge into the wastewater system associated with production. He added <br />that according to law, the firm cannot discharge air pollutants and that the <br />only air pollutant involved is dust which is to be addressed by the use of a <br />Cyclone. <br />Chair GTillhoit indicated that the use must meet the pretreatment <br />requirements of the town. Stone responded that the only wastewater involved <br />;~ hnncahn9rl aaor~np anti rho nccasinnal. amer.aencv use of a shower facility. <br />