Orange County NC Website
3~1 <br />4 <br />Board that the County exrects to receive 5100,000 from the ABG Boars instead <br />of t„e 5A00,000 plus 5~~,000 from the acditional five cents on the bottle. <br />VOTE: UI'AN?T1OUS. <br />1 3. A S S T_ r T n? T TTn !^ T.T F'T] T^ E <br />Comnissior_er i-iarshall suggested the Board have a golicy on u <br />procedure far upcrading de~aart;tent hea s. <br />Chair T'?illhoit incicaLed this would be considered at the time the <br />_ County Personnel Orc:inance is revistred and in the interim that any <br />~reclassificatior. of and depart;:ent head be brought to the Boards attention <br />anr, also suggested t`~at t.Then there is a department head vacancy a revietr be <br />made of the job and salary rarce at that time. <br />i•iotion s,~as made by Chair T•villhoit, seconded b~T Commissioner <br />s <br />"arshall to approve the Institute of Government's recommendation for the <br />Surervisor of Elections. <br />` Commissioner Lloyd e~:gressed his concern for the amount of money <br />being spent on the reclassification and nay recommendations and the ineruity <br />of the study £or those people on the lower end of the scale. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; I?OES, 1 (Commissioner Lloyd). <br />Motion eras made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by <br />Commissioner- T~7hitted to place the Director, Department on Aging at grace <br />level 74. <br />VOTE: AXES, 3; P?pES, 2 (Commissioners L1oiTd and r•?alker) . <br />':otion teas made by Comr.:issioner "larshall, seconded by <br />Commissioner ',•dhittec~ to approve the Institute of Government's recommendation <br />for the Personnel Director at crane level 74. <br />VOTE: AYES, a; ?vOES, 1 (Gornissioner Lloyd). <br />!lotion t•:as made by Commissioner P?bitted, seconder: by Goms.issioner <br />.Marshall to approve the Institute of Government's recommendation for the <br />Director of Revenue at trade level 75. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; 2'OES, 1 (Gor..missioner Lloyd). <br />'potion tras made by Commissicner Aarshall, seconded by <br />Commissioner *•ihitted to place the Register of Deeds, Land F:ecores tlarager, <br />Taxi Supervisor, Planning Director, Economic Development Director and the <br />Housing and Community Development Director at salary grade 77. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; A?OES, 1 (Commissioner Lloyd). <br />Motion ti~fas made by Commissioner r•7hitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />I~iarshall t1:at the Finar_ce Director, the Data Processing I.anagez and the <br />Sheriff be glared at salary grade 80. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; ITOES, 1 (Commissioner Lloyd). <br />Nation was made by Commissicner Iarshall, seconded by <br />- Commissioner I+7hittec that the c.epartment head grade level changes be <br />retroactive to July 1, 198x. <br />.___ VOTE: l-_YES, 3; A?OES, 2 (Commissioners Lloyd and tlalker). <br />14, rfJDG~:T A11~IT713EIdT <br />This item tras postponed until 1`7ovember 20, 1984. <br />15. RFPOP.T OI.' THE I-IEETIIJG KITH TF1E EIIVIROIIIIEh'TAL I.1AI,77~rEi'.Fr?~' <br />., Td°7 T nT 7 S O I mr:r. a P~SI'?5 EFLAITD _SE,~ER <br />I;enneth Thompson, County i:Gncger, noted that a neetinr taus held <br />Frith the Environmental Ilanagemer..t Commission to discuss the consent order anr. <br />the rrogress of the proposed Efland Seger Project. They advised that a <br />recuest for an e~tersion of the special order should be submitted ant: this <br />