Orange County NC Website
3`1i <br />r..'r? _~~- 5~~9Et'ByRS ~r_~J'~5"r,~- Chain Alice GorGOr., Franl; Pearson, <br />Nancy Laszlo, 5he.rlene Pilk~y, David Shanklin, Valerie Greenber„ Steve <br />Yuhusz, anc Carl T•Talters <br />AAA?TdTD'C_ STl~>:;~ PP•.FGrl~,'- `arvin Collins, and Susan Smith <br />Dr. Alice Gorden, Planning Board Chair, chaired t;1e Public <br />Hearing. <br />E1. DESIG.I'~ATSt>r] _~?~' ZT~~rR ;1L?r_L,~TY c~212r1a:~„~.~a~,~_~~r_U~Y~";sr~X...~A?cr Arr~ <br />CAI`11; CREEI; T•?F1,^~.F~;~HFDS <br />The purpose of this public hearing item is to receive public <br />comment on the proposed designation of the ?•later Quality Critical Area fur <br />Cane Creek and University La!:e water supply watersheds in the Orance County <br />Land Use Plan and man. <br />,_ , <br />The 3oard of Con7issioners ap~+rovec7 the designation of the T•?ater <br />Quality Critical Area for the rortions of the ilpper ano watershed in the <br />Tdest Orange Area Study ir. Airil 1984. Application of 4 similar elan <br />designation to the other t:vo water supply watershed designated protected on <br />the Lane Use Plan is c;esirable to establish uniforrity in s*_andard <br />throuchout i:he Co~:nty. <br />mhe designation of the i~Tater S?uality Critical Area for the <br />University La!;e and Cane Cree}: watersher'.s vaould provide for uniform <br />treatment ~= the watersheds c'.esignated on the Land Use Plan as r+rotectec and <br />would subject the zoned portions of the three watersheds to a set of <br />development standards anc? regulations specified for the T•7ater Quality <br />Critical Area zoning district. <br />Collars rage the staff presentation. Collins reviev~ed the <br />actions taken by tl;e Poard following, a public hearing on the T,dater ~ua].ity <br />Critical Area standards and designation of T7~CA for portions of the Upper <br />Eno. He clarified that the•purnose of this public hearing is to hear public <br />comment on the T•?ater nuality Critical Area desi.cnatian for the LTniversity <br />Lake and Cane Creels watersheds. <br />Collins reviewed the methodology for application of the ??~?CA <br />designation noting that it includes the reservoir, shore.lands (lands <br />draining directly to the reservoir ~eithout an intervening stream) and <br />nor.-basin drainage areas (lands draining to the first level of stream <br />directly i`eeding the zeservoi r) . He inc,icated that the T•7(~CA for Cane Creel: <br />includes 3766 acres or 5.A square miles, ,accounting for 1.5v of the total <br />County land area, and that tl~e G•1~CA for University Lake includes 2790 acres <br />on 4.35 square miles, accounting far 1`~ of the total County land area. <br />Everett Billingsly, Bsecutive birector of QT4ASA, spoke to this <br />item, indicating that his comments v:ould also address the standards for the <br />T?a'ter duality Critical Area and T•az zoning districts which vaere submitted to <br />public hearir.a ir. *?ove-~ber 1903. (copy of Billingsley's comments ar. page <br />of these minutes) <br />Gordon responded that the Board had ruled that such comments <br />were appropriate a_nd difficult to separate from discussions an the <br />designation of ?7h CA arras. <br />Billingsley CO;lClllded that OT,~?P.SA supports the County effor4s, <br />but felt that the areas designated should ceperd on what is included on the <br />standards. <br />'_?illingsley added th~.t the Durham City Director of '-rater <br />Resources vrould li!:e the County to adc7ress standarc':s •FOr tlZe Ero Piver <br />feeding ?7urha;.i's seater supply. <br />