Orange County NC Website
-. ~ ORANGE WATER AND SEWELZ AUT110R1TY - <br />Everett Billingsley, Executive Director <br />STATEr1FsNT GId 'tHL PRO: CSyD PEViSIONS TO T:lE 1'ROr1:CTLb 6dA1"ERS°..ED DxSTRICT <br />IN T11E ORANGE COITrTTY ZONZPIG ORDZNh•,?iCB <br />Presented at bhe November 5, 19II4 Public Bearing <br />Y am Everett Billingsley, }i~:ecutive Director of Orange ldater and Sewer <br />Authority. Orange [dater and Sewer Authority is responsible for providing a <br />high .quality supply of drinking water to more than 50,000 residents of Cha.pe7. <br />Hill, Carrboro and outlying areas in Orange, Durham and Chatham Caunties_ 7 <br />can assure you that this is a responsibility talcen seriously. Ta fulfi.].l this <br />obligation, OWASA must have available adequate sources a~ good quality raw <br />watt~. University Lake, of course, is the primary souxae a£ our <br />supply: The proposed Cane Creek Reservoir will. also soon play an important <br />role in the provision of water to the many O'range County residents served by <br />OWASA. <br />OtdASA's customers have been fortunate that the iniversity Lake water supply <br />watershed has been remarkably undeveloped in L•he 50 years of the 7.ake's <br />e~:isterce. However, increasins development activities in the watershed <br />threaten to adversly impact the quality of waL'er. in the. Rake. Likewise, <br />uncontrolled development activities in the Cane Creek watershed will, decrease <br />drinking water quality in that source of supply. IL is commendable that praage <br />County recognizes this fvrebodfng transition an3 is positive land <br />tiise planning steps to provide a degree of control and direction to futut:e <br />development that occurs in public water supply watersheds in Orange County. <br />OWASA staff has completed its review of Orange County~s proposed "Protected <br />Watershed District" standards which would be applicable to the University Lake <br />and proposed Cane Creek Reservoir drainage basins. OIdASA has supported and <br />will enr_t3.nue to support the implementation of technica]~ly sound, positive,. <br />progressive and balanced approaches toward managing development activities in <br />public water supply watersheds_ The implementation of coordinated and <br />consistent development standards is also a goal which we support. <br />The following comments regarding the proposed Protected '(datershed District. <br />standards are submitted for consideration by the Board of Commissioners and <br />staff of Orange County prior to the adoption of the f3.nal standards for these <br />environmentally sensitive areas. In deciding upon the final set o£ sta~uards, <br />it nest be kept in mind that what is at stake is no less than the health, <br />safety and welfare of all present and future residents who receive water <br />supplied by OWASA, the Toren o£ Hillsborough and Orange Alamance Water-Syste~a, <br />and the City of Durham, if the Little River i2esarvoir watershed is ccas'ldered_ <br />4.2.2$ <br />-- For ease of understanding, the boundaries of the proposed Water Quality <br />Critical Area should be act at places readily identifiable on T.he o£fical <br />7.oning t4ap, such as streams, roads or property lines. <br />-1- <br />_..- -~--._..-..__r.....~._ . ~._.,,,_.. ~_~~.. - - - <br />