Agenda - 06-15-2010 - 4a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-15-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-15-2010 - 4a
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Last modified
11/3/2015 2:01:59 PM
Creation date
6/11/2010 3:47:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 06-15-2010
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14 <br /> 1 July 1" to "effective July 1." Also, on page 13, subsection `h', the very last sentence should <br /> 2 have "3(c)(5)". In Sections 5 and 6, these are the portions of the bill that affect education. This <br /> 3 allows students who currently go to Orange County Schools to remain in Orange County <br /> 4 Schoots, as well as their siblings. If a student goes to Alamance County Schools, they and their <br /> 5 siblings will have the option to remain in Alamance County Schools. None of the students will <br /> 6 have to pay the county tuition. <br /> 7 Section 7 allows Alamance County and Orange County to establish an administrative <br /> 8 review process on the petitions that residents file. The petitions have to be completed by <br /> 9 December 15'n <br /> 10 Also, in Section 9, the first sentence, it should say, "Section 7" and not "Section 6 and <br /> 11 7." <br /> 12 John Roberts said that by no later than May 15, 2011 the General Assembly should <br /> 13 have a 2011 local bill that formally ratifies the line. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to Section 3(b), where it talks about public <br /> 16 records related to properties. He said that it would be wise to put a notice provision in there so <br /> 17 that when properties are shifted from one jurisdiction to another, that some kind of notice be <br /> 18 filed in the appropriate Register of Deeds office so that people can find where the properties <br /> 19 belong. He made reference to Section 4(g) and the areas affected by the resurvey, etc. and <br /> 20 said that if a piece of property moves from one county to another, it will vote for local offices in <br /> 21 one county at one precinct, and this statement suggests that they would have to go to another <br /> 22 precinct in a different county. <br /> 23 John Roberts said that this was vetted by both Election Directors in Orange County and <br /> 24 Alamance County. There are representatives who serve across county lines, and this does not <br /> 25 say that the voters have to go to another precinct. He will discuss this with the Alamance <br /> 26 County Attorney. <br /> 27 Craig Benedict said that there is a precinct line changing process that may be a result <br /> 28 of this and this would come afterwards. <br /> 29 Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to 6 and 7, "the small lot subdivision shall not <br /> 30 be divided on a lot by lot basis." He asked if the subdivision is horizontal, then one part of the <br /> 31 subdivision could be in one jurisdiction and the other in the other jurisdiction. He does not want <br /> 32 to preclude this. <br /> 33 Craig Benedict said that in the Mill Creek subdivision, the line meanders through the <br /> 34 whole subdivision. <br /> 35 Commissioner Yuhasz said that he is not happy with the idea of petitions. He said that <br /> 36 where it is fairly obvious that a subdivision should be in one jurisdiction or another, he does not <br /> 37 want to require residents to petition. <br /> 38 Frank Clifton said that part of the issue with the petition process is recognition that <br /> 39 there is a cost associated with the boundary change because of a survey. <br /> 40 Commissioner Pelissier asked about the average cost of a plat done for an appeal. <br /> 41 She made reference to the expectations that were set out in the past and she asked what type <br /> 42 of communications there will be going forward with the citizens. <br /> 43 Craig Benedict said that the version that was agreed upon at the November gtn <br /> 44 meeting, this hybrid solution should cover 96% of the deviation. There are about 3-4 lots on N. <br /> 45 Oakland that it does not cover. It also does not include situations where a development has <br /> 46 been approved and is unrecorded. This is something that is yet to be figured out. The <br /> 47 developers will be asked to move the plat lines where applicable. The letters that will go out will <br /> 48 explain any deviation from the Option 2, Version 3 in November. <br /> 49 Frank Clifton said that the cost of the platting could be reduced if groups do it together. <br />
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