Orange County NC Website
8 <br />ABSTRACT <br />The impact of domestic abuse is a consistent problem facing communities in North Carolina. Women's <br />shelters have been erected in communities as a means for protection and guidance for abused individuals. <br />These shelters provide a myriad of services to victims of domestic abuse, such as clothing and food, <br />childcare, education and transitional services. This project discusses models of domestic abuse shelters in <br />various communities as brought forth by nonprofit organizations. The primary local shelter reviewed for <br />case study was the Interact of Wake County in North Carolina; two other nonprofits, the Safehouse <br />Alliance for Nonviolence of Boulder, Colorado and the Family Justice Center Alliance of San Diego, <br />California were reviewed as focus studies of various shelters in nonlocal parameters. Due to the growing <br />concerns of domestic violence in Orange County and the lack of necessary shelter for abused women, the <br />Orange County Commission for Women (OCCW) have set to motion the creation of a domestic violence <br />shelter within the borders of Orange County. The goal of this research was to provide the OCCW with <br />preliminary data on what allowed these shelters to be erected, also know as a bestpractices model. Such <br />research consisted of number of rooms within the shelter, and other essential information pertinent to <br />OCCW's concerns. This research was then collected and brought forth to the OCCW and other Orange <br />County government officials for further review. <br />"Synopsis of UNC Student Research" <br />Best Practices from Wylie, et al. (2010), Reyno and Johnson: <br />• Domestic /relationship /interpersonal violence is a community issue <br />o DV, sexual assault, sex trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation <br />• Need to identify key stakeholders <br />• Involve survivors in planning process in some way <br />• Funding is a continual challenge <br />• Coordinated community response is necessary <br />• Need to synchronize multiple agency polices and practices <br />• One stop /wrap- around services <br />• Build in evaluation/assessment processes from the beginning <br />o Self reflection, continuous improvement <br />• Shelters must have zero tolerance for any forms of violence <br />o Staff should be skilled in conflict resolution <br />• Need continuity of care <br />• Trauma - informed care <br />• Integrated care <br />• Evidence -based practices <br />• Gender specific services <br />• Attend to demographics of staff /leadership in comparison to clients served <br />o Must address issues of power /privilege /inequality <br />• Address intervention /primary prevention <br />o Education, training, outreach, cultural change <br />