Orange County NC Website
The Board adopted a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to <br />requests for motor vehicle property tax release or refunds in accordance with North Carolina <br />General Statutes. <br />EL Acceptance of 2007 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate consideration. <br />e. Fiscal Year 2007 -08 Budget Amendment #Z <br />The Board approved budget ordinance and capital project ordinance amendments for fiscal year <br />2007 -08 for Department on Aging, Health Department, Distribution of Board Approved Salary <br />and Benefit Allocations, and Conservation Easements Capital Project Ordinance. <br />L Approval of Financing ArranaemPnf nnrr P,ina 0�1_ __ <br />•• •a•. „�,� r„c r- Mbc;ue 1'FUCK <br />The Board approved a request from Orange Rural Fire Department No. 1, Inc. to enter into a <br />financing arrangement to purchase a fire rescue truck, authorized the Board of Commissioner <br />Chair to sign the appropriate documents related to the financing arrangement,_ and appropriated <br />$40,000 from the District's County-held fund 'balance for the purposes outlined in the Financial <br />Impact section of this agenda abstract. <br />_q.. Forest Service Contract for Fiscal Year 2007 -08 <br />The Board approved the annual agreement between Orange County and the North Carolina <br />Department of Environment and Natural' Resources (DENR) for protection, development, <br />reforestation, management and improvement of forestlands located in the County and <br />authorized the Chair to sign, subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />h. License Agreement between State Univprcity Pnilrfin0^1 n`.,w, . ,.,.. __A <br />me board authorized the County Manager to execute the License Agreement' between State <br />University Railroad Company and Orange County for the extension of public sewer to the <br />Orange County Landfill, subject to final review by the County Attorney. <br />L Legal Advertisement for Joint Planning Area Public Hearing October 25 2007 <br />The Board considered the legal advertisement for items to be presented at the Joint Planning <br />Area Public Hearing scheduled for October 25, 2007 <br />L_ ;Resolution Endorsing Gonpestion'Mitiaation and Air C],iafi+h, rn- nnen ►.r_�,�. <br />The Board endorsed the Resolution Accepting Conditions in the CMAQ Agreement with <br />NCOOT, and authorized the County Manager to sign the agreement, subject to final review and <br />approval' by the staff and County Attorney to ensure that the County's policies and procedures <br />adhere to federal requirements of the agreement, and directed staff to initiate discussions with <br />the Town of Hillsborough regarding sharing in the local match for the first three years operating <br />expenses for the intra- Hillsborough transit route, contributing to capital expenses to initiate the <br />service, and contributing to future capital and operations costs of that service. <br />VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: <br />d. Acceptance of 2007 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) <br />The Board considered accepting the 2007 Emergency Management Performance Grant <br />from the State Emergency Management Agency to help, support. the County emergency <br />management programming and authorizing the Manager to sign, pending final review by staff <br />and the County Attorney. <br />Laura Blackmon made reference to the "Background paragraph and read the sentence, <br />"The Board approved the application on May 3, 2007." She said that it was intended to be on <br />the May 3 ►d agenda and did not appear, so the Board never approved the application. However, <br />