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3~~ <br />4 <br />study on these programs at their imalementation and set these levels and she <br />indicated there is no reason for dovrngrading these positions. <br />tiotion was made by Commissioner b~arshall. seconded by <br />Commissioner Lloyd to leave the RSVP coordinator and RSVP Program Assistant <br />positions at the grade level that was assigned at the beginning of the <br />program and for the Personnel Department to do a full study of the Department <br />on Aging Classifications. <br />VOTE: UNANIt•10U5 <br />t•Zotion was made by Commissioner Marshall, secondeG by <br />Commissioner t•Ihitted to maintain the classification of Shift Leader at level <br />65. <br />VOTE : UPIAP7IMOUS <br />s <br />ti•7hitehead went through all grade classifications pointing out the <br />• recommended changes in grade levels at each level. The Solid ti~laste <br />Collector's position was eliminated from salary grade 59 and moved to salary <br />grade 6D. <br />The inequities of not maintaining the same step ~.n air u~+yLCUe <br />Caere discussed. <br />Commissioners tiarshall and t~Thitted emphasized that a policy <br />decision needs to be made on the issue of maintaining the same step in an <br />upgrade of any position. <br />Conr~issioner Lloyd requested additional time to study the step <br />increase and refused to vote on the issue. <br />Commissioner :•7hitted noted that Deputy Sheriff I is still not in <br />a competitive level based on the comparable and Commissioner Plarshall a5reed. <br />t~ihitted recommended grade level 66 and proposed to increase each <br />classification in Law Enforcement by two grades. <br />Bobby Saker, Et•I5 Director, indicated a problem v~ith keeping <br />dispatchers because of the higher salary offered by Durham County. <br />After discussion about the Dispatcher and the Et1S Paramedic, it <br />was decided to move the Dispatcher to grade 66 and leave the EMS Paramedic at <br />grade 64. <br />Commissioner lloyd voiced opposition to moving all position in <br />Law Enforcement up two steps without further study. <br />Tvhitehead indicated that if the Dispatcher is raised from 6S to <br />67, two other classifications would need to be changed. <br />(1) Shift Leader from 65 to 67, and <br />(2) Supervisor from 66 to 68. <br />Commissioner Whitted included in his motion these two <br />reclassifications along with the Dispatcher and law enforcement. He noted <br />that exception must be made when market dictates. <br />Thompson indicated inequities because there are other positions <br />in other departments that should be considered because of the market. <br />Chair ti•'illhoit pointed out and illustrated that it is not the <br />upper ranges of law enforcement where there is a problem, but the beginning <br />ranges. IIe proposed a cne grade increase and suggested making the necessary <br />adjustments within the range to make the salary competitive. The problem <br />seems to be in the starting salary. <br />Whitehead indicated a problem with the existing Deputy I <br />positions who are in step 1 being below those new hires starting at grade 2. <br />Corunissioner Lloyd indicated agreement that iL- the problem is <br />with the lovrer salGried people he would be ariable to increasing across the <br />hnarc~ inn to n~v aradp 67. <br />