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3 ~_ <br />to <br />for getting information from the Township Advisory Council to the Planning <br />Board. <br />Commissioner Lloyd noted his concerns about the undisturbed <br />«rea requirements, the maximum 6a impervious surface ratio, and the <br />infiltration of the first one half inch of runoff. <br />Commissioner Lloyd made a motion that the proposes amendments <br />to the zoning ordinance. Article X4,5,6 and 7 be delayed until the first <br />regular meeting in November so these concerns can go to the Planning Board <br />for consideration. This would also 5ive time for the Cheeks Advisory <br />Council to meet and oomment. <br />Commissioner Walker seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner~t~dhitted mentioned that if other water cuality <br />critical areas are going to be considered at the Povember Public hearing it <br />would be appropriate for the Planning Board to consider the TAC concerns <br />prior to the Public Hearing. <br />Susan Smith. Planner explained that the designatior. of the <br />water quality critical area vas only in that area designated as the I.7est <br />Orange-Area Stuc:y. It was not expanded north of that area nor to the other <br />two designated protector watersheds - University Lake or Cane Creek. These <br />two will be subject to public hearing in Plovember. <br />vOTE: Ayes, ~4; Tloes, 1 (Willhoit) <br />3. -Q <br />Smith explained the purpose is for the Board to consider the <br />Land Use Plar. involving the I-a0/Old 86 Area Study. The area study has Some <br />to public hearing and been considered by the Planning Board. The Planning <br />Boars has recommended approval with the change that the activity node be a <br />blend of a rural industrial activity node and a Commercial Transition <br />activity node. This vaas in specific response to concerns about the kind of <br />industrial uses that would be permitted under a commercial industry activity <br />node. The purpose was to limit those types of uses to those of lour intensity <br />where the impact does r_ot go beyond the property line and to designate <br />commercial property that would meet the needs in the County. <br />Commissioner F:arshall asked how this rural industrial blend <br />with commercial transition responds to concerns that all interchanges do not <br />have to allow industrial or commercial uses. <br />Smith explained there was a consensus an the Planning Board of <br />the interest in having limited light industrial uses at the interchange. <br />NOTE: Chair T^Jillhoit suggzsted continuing the meeting to discuss Item <br />~:8 - Joint Planning and Item S9 - Classification and Pay Plan <br />Recommendations. It was decided a meeting v~ould be scheduled for Wednesday, <br />October 3 at 7:30 to complete the agenda. <br />S. RAf:SHEAD ESTA2'ES PRELIr3INARY PLAN <br />