Orange County NC Website
16 <br />PRESS RELEASE Aug. 21, 2007 <br />For more information contact Allan Rosen, 382 -9483, or Kevin Schwartz, 962 -0520, kschwaztz <br />Coalition forms to guide commissioners on Orange Comprehensive Plan <br />CHAPEL HILL -- Leaders of a diverse group of local organizations that have banded together for the <br />first time are set to unveil their plan for keeping the Orange County Board of Commissioners focused on <br />the centrality of compact, walkable, mixed- use, transit - supportive communities as the commissioners <br />move forward on a new planning document with a 25 year horizon to guide how the county will look <br />and feel in the future. <br />The group will hold a news conference at 10 am. Friday in the board room at McClamroch Hall <br />on the Vilcom campus off Weaver Dairy Road to announce and discuss the coalition's objectives. <br />The county's Comprehensive Plan update is intended to guide growth and development through <br />the year 2030. It has not been revised since 1981. The county is set to hold a public hearing about the <br />plan goals at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 27 at Gordon Battle Courtroom, 106 E.,Margaret Lane, <br />Hillsborough. <br />The plan update is divided into eight major areas, each known as an element: County Profile, <br />Economic Development, Housing, Land Use, Natural and Cultural Systems, Recreation and Parks, <br />Services (Utilities) and Community Facilities, and Transportation. Commissioners hope to have the plan <br />approved by next August. <br />The Comprehensive Plan Coalition will discuss what it hopes the commissioners and public will <br />focus on within those eight elements. The coalition was formed by groups with traditionally disparate <br />and sometimes opposing interests, but all are aware of the need to work together for Orange County to <br />have a sustainable future and of the unique opportunity the update provides the coalition to engage in <br />this civic debate. <br />"Various stakeholders who cooperatively come together to help plan our future can only be in <br />the best interest of Orange County and its citizens," said Fred Black, Chair of the Community Action <br />Network, one of the coalition partners. <br />Village Project Co- Chairman Allan Rosen said that his group was excited to participate in the <br />coalition. "The update affords all of us the chance to support a comprehensive plan that is informed by <br />the sustainability paradigm and based on best practices," Rosen said. <br />Other partners are: the Chapel Hill- Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, Inter -Faith Council for <br />Social Service, the Homebuilders Association of Durham, Orange, & Chatham Counties, and Walkable <br />Hillsborough. Additional coalition partners are expected to be announced within days. <br />-30- <br />