Orange County NC Website
Highway 70 to each property. An example of the shared <br />access is as follows: <br />0 <br />I <br />Highway 70 <br />Non - residential developments that are not contiguous to <br />other non - residential developments at the time they are <br />approved shall be required to designate stub outs to <br />adjoining properties on the site plan for the proposed <br />development so that this shared access can be developed if <br />and when the adjacent property is developed for non- <br />residential purposes or in cases where an individual curb <br />cut for a residential land use is deemed to be a traffic safety <br />hazard by the County and NC DOT. <br />iii. Non - residential developments within the pre - defined <br />commercial areas of the Highway 70 Corridor are required <br />to develop shared access points as part of the site plan <br />approval process for the project. <br />d. The creation of offset driveways and/or intersections is not <br />permitted, unless no practical alternative exists. <br />e. All driveway entrances must have an approved NCDOT <br />driveway permit and must be paved to NCDOT standards from <br />the edge of the existing roadway pavement to the existing <br />right -of -way limit on the interior of the property. <br />6. Outside Storage of Materials. All outside storage of materials on <br />non - residential lots is prohibited. This prohibition includes the storage <br />of goods or materials which are not an integral part of the use of the <br />property and which are not obviously for sale. This prohibition does <br />not include the storage of materials where the primary use of the <br />property includes the outside display of goods for sale such as <br />automobiles, boats, mobile homes, etc., and the materials stored <br />outside are for sale. <br />