Orange County NC Website
Task 3: Formatting /Assembling Comprehensive Plan <br />Contractor: <br />SYNTHESIZE DOCUMENTS <br />• Coordinate with Element Managers to collect any material prepared by county <br />staff to fill identified gaps, as directed by the Project Management Team. <br />• Following standardized formatting guidelines (to be developed by Element <br />Managers and approved by the Project Management Team) and the Table of <br />Contents that were completed for each Element, synthesize documents into a <br />draft Comprehensive Plan. <br />• Adopted County Profile Element shall be inserted-into the draft. <br />County Staff: <br />• Complete and convey any material required to fill gaps as instructed by the <br />Project Management Team. <br />• Provide formatting guidelines. <br />• Provide, in agreed upon format, Sections I -V of the Comprehensive Plan, as <br />described in Attachment 1. <br />Deliverables: <br />• 120 black- and -white copies of Draft Comprehensive Plan based on detailed <br />Tables of Contents developed for each Element and general Table of <br />Contents (i.e. Intro., Planning Principles, Admin., and Monitoring) for overall <br />Comprehensive Plan (Attachment 1). An electronic copy shall also be <br />provided on CD. <br />Schedule: Completed by end of February 2008. <br />Authorized by BOCC on June 26, 2007 <br />