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z <br />polling site, and wireless outdoor transmitters send signals to receivers located inside the <br />precincts. A chime will sound inside the polling site thereby alerting precinct workers that a <br />curbside voter has arrived. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds <br />to be used for the above stated purpose. (See Attachment 1, column #2) <br />Health Department <br />3. The Health Department has received continuation grant funds from the State totaling $88,115 <br />for primary care services at both the Whitted clinic in Hillsborough ($43,346) and the <br />Southern Human Services clinic in Chapel Hill ($44,769). The department plans to use <br />these funds to continue providing primary care services until June 30, 2008. The clinics are <br />staffed with temporary employees <br />In January 2005, Commissioners initially approved funding for the Hillsborough clinic. <br />Currently, the clinic averages 50 clients per month and approximately 40% of those patients <br />are uninsured, self -pay patients. The Board initially approved funding for the Chapel Hill <br />clinic beginning January 2007. Currently the Chapel Hill clinic averages 15 clients per month <br />and approximately 70% of those patients are uninsured, self -pay patients. During the 2008- <br />09 budget planning process, as the Board and staff determine the County's core functions <br />and associated programs, continuation of the primary care program beyond June 30, 2008 <br />will be a topic of discussion. <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds to continue primary care <br />services at both clinic locations until June 30, 2008. (See Attachment 1, column #3) <br />Critical Needs Reserve <br />4. During the 2007 -08 budget deliberations, two non - profit agencies, Club Nova and KidsCope, <br />requested additional county funding. With the final approval of the budget, while <br />Commissioners eliminated the recommended appropriation of $125,000 to the County's <br />Critical Needs Reserve, the Board also expressed its intent to carry forward unexpended <br />2006 -07 Critical Needs Reserve appropriations to the new fiscal year. The Board further <br />expressed its desire to award additional funding to Club Nova ($75,000) and KidsCope <br />($50,000) from the carry forward. Attachment 4 includes correspondence from OPC Area <br />Director, Judy Truitt, expressing organizational support and appreciation for the allocations <br />to Club Nova and CHTOP /KidsCope based upon strengthened commitments to program <br />monitoring and fiscal review. <br />At the end of fiscal year 2006 -07 $270,000 remained in the Critical Needs Reserve. The <br />intent of this budget amendment is to carry forward those available funds and to appropriate <br />$125,000 of the carry forward to Club Nova and KidsCope for fiscal year 2007 -08. Following <br />the Club Nova appropriation, $145,000 would remain available in the Critical Needs Reserve <br />for FY 2007 -08. (See Attachment 1, column #4, Attachment 3, Critical Needs Reserve <br />Status Report, and Attachment 4, Letters of Support from OPC Mental Health) <br />Board of County Commissioners <br />5. This budget amendment transfers funds from the Governing and Management Non - <br />Departmental budget to the Board of County Commissioners' budget to implement the <br />Board's action as to the Clerk to the Board's performance review for 2006 -07. The Board <br />