Minutes 05-06-2010
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-06-2010
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/20/2015 2:14:10 PM
Creation date
6/9/2010 2:05:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4e
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4f
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4g
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4h
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4i
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4j
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4k
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4l
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 4m
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 7a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 7b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010 - 8a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010-13 (1)
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010-13 (2)
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010-13 (3)
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-06-2010-13 (4)
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 05-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Proclamation proclaiming May 2010 as National Historic Preservation Month
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2010-2019\2010
Proclamation proclaiming May 2010 as Older Americans Month
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-033 Resolution approving Property Tax Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-034 Resolution approving Property Tax Releases
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-035 Resolution approving Application for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-036 Resolution Authorizing the Orange County FY 2010 HOME Program
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-037 Resolution Authorizing the Submission of the Orange County FY 2010-2015 Consolidated Housing Plan
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-038 Resolution of Adoption of Orange County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
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connect them with the Mebane system. Secondly, they ask for a short-term solution to freeze <br /> the rate hike at $63.08. They want to pay their fair share and they consider the state average <br /> as being fair. Also, they ask that the capital reserve fee of $13 be removed. Only the <br /> Richmond Hills subdivision pays this and this is unfair. Lastly, they ask that the community <br /> could be able to come to the table and be part of the decision-making process about this. <br /> Bonnie Hauser spoke on behalf of Orange County Voice. She said that they support <br /> the Efland community and Justice United and hope the Board will act quickly to go ahead with <br /> the 2010 rate increase and freeze the rate there. This gives the County time to pursue other <br /> options, including growing the customer base and possibly integrating with Mebane. The <br /> proposed rate for 2010 is reasonable and comparable to other rates in Orange County and in <br /> the state of North Carolina. She asked the County Commissioners to adopt the proposal from <br /> Justice United. <br /> Chair Foushee asked Frank Clifton about the capital reserve fee and Kevin Lindley <br /> explained this. It is a perpetual maintenance fee. <br /> Frank Clifton asked if the Board of County Commissioners wanted the option to <br /> pursue a fee for the vacant parcels. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to see what OWASA, Hillsborough, and <br /> Mebane do for assessing availability fees to undeveloped lots. He would also like to recognize <br /> the residents' ability to pay and to include an option. He is interested in talking about the issue <br /> of the $13 fee. He said that the County Commissioners really do not want to be in the utility <br /> business or in the development business. He would like to think more clearly about the <br /> attitude toward how this system should look if it were structured to address serving <br /> development in the areas that are approved in the land use plan for residential and commercial <br /> development. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the County has an obligation to move away from subsidies from <br /> the general fund and must look at this in a more comprehensive manner as far as <br /> development is concerned. <br /> Chair Foushee asked when the additional information would be available and Frank <br /> Clifton said that there should be a recommendation when the Board comes back from summer <br /> break. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would like to make sure the public knows what is <br /> going to be done. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier <br /> to direct the Manager to study the possibility of implementing an availability fee and other <br /> opportunities for enhancing revenue within the Efland Sewer System and report back to the <br /> Board sometime after the summer break. This incorporates comments from Commissioner <br /> Jacobs and Commissioner Gordon. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Craig Benedict said that staff is preparing for the next phase of the Efland Sewer <br /> System and are working with the Attorney's office regarding easements and agreements. <br /> There will probably be outreach to let future customers know what is going on. <br /> 9. County Manaqer's Report <br /> Frank Clifton said that there are plans to hold an event this weekend in northeastern <br /> Orange County. It is associated with motorcycles. Because it is being sponsored by a non- <br /> profit, there are certain provisions under law. The County staff is aware of it and different <br />
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