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~~ <br />4 <br />is to be decided before it is known if apartments or owner conc'.o/tovmhouses <br />would be built. He incuired why the area was not still suited for R-1 as he <br />felt R-1 was still the best use o:E this land. He expressed concern that <br />traffic from another development in this area would only make traffic <br />problems worse. <br />Lorrain Evenheis expressed concern regarding the entrance to <br />Gseaver Dairy Road as the primary entrance to the Sedgewood project. She <br />noted that her townhouse property backs up to this property line and <br />inquired if there was a setback provision for the road or could the road go <br />-- straight up to the property line. G~Tould trees be left along the roacway? <br />Graves responded that from a legal standpoint the road could go to the <br />property line. This road lias been platted since 1979 when it was approved as <br />part of the Sedgefiela Subdivision. The developer will be happy to move the <br />road if he can do so but there must be a variance to the 100' buffer on the <br />side away from the Coventry Townhouses. <br />Dr. Gertrude G•Jillis disagreed with the director of Carol G~TOOds <br />and is very concerned with the increase in traffic and the entrance being so <br />close to the 2-~40 junction. <br />Frank Evenheis inquired what was meant by "the road is already <br />there." Graves responded that it is a platted road with dedicated <br />right-of-way that has not been constructed. <br />P9r. Evenheis expressed concern with adjoining development <br />patterns, feeling that density is too high already. <br />Vivk responded that G~eaver Dairy Road is a major thoroughfare and <br />scheduled for ~-lining. F?e also noted the distance between Lockwood and <br />Z-a0. The distance is a total of 1?.00' or equivalent to three city blacl:s. <br />Dave Christianson inquired when the traffic estimates wer4 made <br />and what developments were included in the estimate. Vick responded these <br />figures came from annual traffic surveys by JQT supplemented by counts made <br />in late August and late spring at the intersections. <br />~'illhoit noted that a specific request had been made of DoT to <br />survey while school was still in session, such as in late spring. <br />Christianson stated that congestion was worse in the morning. <br />Vick noted that the higher peak was found in the afternoon anc that all <br />the information caws taken into consideration during the design of the <br />intersection. Vick stated that included in the estimate were Timberlyne, <br />Kemingston Trace, Steeple Chase and Coventry. Graves noted that this project <br />was of lower density than surrounding projects. Graves also noted that he <br />has been a resident of the area since 1978 and congestion was a problem even <br />in 1976. The problem will be somewhat alleviated by a traffic light. <br />~'ir. Evenheis inquired if Y.ensington Trace caas in Chapel ~Ii11's <br />jurisdiction. t7illhoit responded that it was. <br />his. Evenheis further noted she was not opposed to this specific <br />density, they just did not need any more development at all. <br />I:izer inquired of Tom Heffner if he had considered the respective <br />property value impact on surrounding properties with both apartments and <br />condos. Heffner responded that surrounding property values usually suffer <br />more from apartment complex>es than from condominiums. The fact that <br />apartments use less expensive construction has bearing on the related values. <br />F?effner stated that probably 600 of the surrounding property is rental and <br />the other Q0~ owner occupied. <br />