Minutes - 19840827
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19840827
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~~i~ <br />3 <br />specify development goals and objectives and to formulate alternative <br />development plans for the area. These alternative develcpment plans vrere <br />presented for public comment toward the development of the proposed area plan <br />presented here to public hearing. <br />The study area is largely undeveloped and characterized by strip <br />single family residential development along Old ?~C 86 and Davis Road. Two <br />large tracts, located west of NC 86, I-40 v;hich received use-value taxation <br />(one agricultural, one forested tract) also are located within the study <br />area. Access to the area is primarily by Old IJC 86 which traverses the area <br />in a north-south direction; proposed I-Q0, which will cross the area in a <br />southeast northwest direction; and Davis Road which provides local access and <br />is located west of Old t?C 86 ana south of I-40. Within the total study area <br />there are very fev~ constraints because of soils, topography .and hydrology <br />with the exception that care needs to be taken with development along Cates <br />Creek which flows into the Eno, located in the northwest section of the study <br />area. Drainage patterns in the area are north-central in orientation. A <br />major pocver line easement crosses the entire length of the study area <br />approximately even with the township boundary. <br />The adopted Land Use Plan designated the areas within the study <br />boundaries as Ten Year Transitior_, Rural Residential and Agricultural <br />Residential. The Ten Year Transition Area is designated for immediate and <br />near future residential development at urban densities with urban services. <br />The area associated with the Cornwallis Hills Subdivison and the area <br />immediately south of Cates Creel: is so designated. This plan category <br />corresponds with zoning district from low to high density residential. The <br />remaining area is designated Rural and Agricultural Residential and is <br />appropriate for low-density residential and agricultural development. i;o <br />provision was made in the adopted land use plan for the impact of I-40 <br />construction on local development patterns as the Caunty was in litigation <br />with DOT on that matter. <br />During the development of the study area land use plan. a number <br />of goals and objectives v~ere identified and addressed and local actions <br />recommended. These items are referenced in the area plan narrative. <br />Given these goals, objectives and recommended actions and based <br />on the local development data collected, the following Land Use Plan is <br />proposed for the area: <br />1. Extend the Ten Year Transition area south of Cates Creek to <br />include the area south toward I-~10 to reflect expected <br />development pressures associated with the presence of I-~0 <br />and the interchange and to reflect viable service areas. <br />2. Extend the Rural Residentail area to include the property <br />along the west side of NC 86 south of I--a0 to reflect <br />increased single-family development pressures and the <br />absence of farm land in this area. <br />3. Designate a Commercial/Industrial transition activity node <br />of approximately 9 acres at the interstate interchange both <br />to the north and the southwest to. respond to the locational <br />advantages and the possibility of the future extension of <br />water ana sewer in this area. <br />Commissioner ti•?alker was excused at 12:05 a.m. <br />Commissioner Marshall inquired of Smith what the intent of the <br />Commercial/Industrial node is. Smith responded by reading the definition <br />from the LGne Use Plan: "Land focused on designated toad intersections <br />
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