Orange County NC Website
2~~ <br />z <br />PTrs. Hoyle, resident. expressed concern with vrildlife protection <br />and undisciplined children an her property. <br />Phil Fost commented that most of the traffic vrill be at the lovrer <br />entrance on Homestead Road amd that the developer does want to keep the <br />impact near the intersection. 75~ of the traffic is directly off Airport <br />Road. In response to Air. Hogle's comments, regarding buffers he noted 60' is <br />owned by someone else and the applicant is providing a setback an the site. <br /> SCOtt commented that all the traffic moves out onto NC 86 <br />and that the two lanes made left turns difficult. Past responded the <br />developer wants a traffic ].fight for left turns. Scott again expressed a <br />concern regarding school traffic. <br />Smith inquired, as to the source of truck traffic. Scott <br />responded that it vras from the American Stone rock quarry with trucks <br />bringing rocl: to new developments in the area. Shitted inquired if tonnage <br />limits were posted on Homestead Road. Scott responded there used to be, but <br />the Department of Transportation had removed the limits. T~hitted noted that <br />the Department of Transportation would be asked to look at this again. <br />Commissioner I~Thitted moved, seconded by Commissioner P~larshall to <br />continue the public hearing to 9/18/8x. <br />VOTE: UIQANIP40US <br />C-G, PRhP~GF.T) T.ANT) T1~F PT.AN At•'IENDtRETv~ - _];-40L9_I~ ,~~: ~~ _~~ STUDY <br />Gordon chaired this item. <br />The purpose of this item is to receive public comment cn a <br />_ proposed Land Use Plan A?nendment involving the T-40/OJ.d P7C 86 Area Study. <br />• The staff presentation was made by Susan Smith. <br />_ The I-4Q/Old NC 86 Area Study is the third area study to be <br />presented at public hearing. These area studies are intended to refine and <br />update the Land Use Plan ox Orange County adopted in 1981. The a-40/Old P,C <br />SG Area Study is also the first of the I-~0 interchange. studies to be <br />completed and complements the Central and :Test Orange Area studies already <br />completed for the area south of the Town of Hillsborough. <br />The study area includes approximately 1,513 acres located <br />primarily in kiillsborough Township and extending into Chapel Hill Township. <br />The study area is focused on the I-40/Old NC 86 interchange approximately 1.5 <br />miles south of I-S5 and the Town of Hillsborough. The study area extends <br />west to the boundaries of the west.Orange Area Study and extends to the north <br />into the Central Orange Area Study to include proposed Cornwallis Hills <br />Development; extends east and south approximately 3/4 of a mile from the <br />interchange. <br />Considerable effort has been made to inform and involve as many <br />residents of the study .area as possible, as well as any other interested <br />individuals and groups, in the development of the area plan for this study <br />area. Three public meetings including both the Chapel Hill and Hillsbroough <br />Township Advisory Councils and a separate Township Advisory Councils' meeting <br />were held durinc the months of February through May. A presentation of the <br />area study was also made to the Orange County Economic Development Commission <br />far their information and comment. Also, all property owners within the <br />study area were notified individually of this public hearing. <br />During the early months of 1984 the Planning staff compiled and <br />analyzed data on soils, topography, hydralogy,~ land use and the <br />transportation system in the study area. This information was subsequently <br />used as the base to identify planning issues and concerns in the area, to <br />