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~, v ~ <br />5 <br />design features ~•rhich has not been shovrn on the proposed plan. The <br />subdivision is not adjacent to property using an e~;isting private road zor <br />access - but adjacent to state road "1839. The planninr, staff cane to these <br />sane conclusions on the regulations. <br />I•Tr. Green indicated that the property would be developed over a <br />period of time for rental purposes. The number of lots were reduced to nine <br />in orcer not to be requried to pave. tie will increase the number of lots if <br />pavinc is required. <br />Chair V?illhait noted that there is no mechanism to have this <br />road paved as additional lots are added at the end of the road. <br />Commissioner I•Iarshall pointed out to Ihr. Greene that he is paving <br />the road because he is subdividing the land and he is paving it adjacent to <br />the subdivision; those people who want to subdivide up above will have to <br />pave it c•rhen they subdivide. <br />I~;otion was made by Commissioner C+?bitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Plarshall to approve the preliminary plan for Greene Valley with the road <br />built to state standards. <br />VOTE: UPZANIb?OUS <br />Attorney Gledhill responded to I~ir. Greene's question about the 50 <br />foot easement stating that, by re;uiring the road to be built to state <br />standards, the developer would need to make a public dedication of so much of <br />the roam as is going to be a part of the subdivision. <br />10. J.G. T.4HITFIELD - PREL~I2~~~j <br />P~Totion eras made by Commissioner ~?bitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd to «pprove the Preliminary Plan for the property of Glenn S. C^7ritfield <br />and J.G. U?hitfield with a C12,ss B private road. <br />VOTE : UP;AA:Ii7OU5 <br />11. .~O}: I=iEADOT.T c r"^` T' , <br />I,Totion was Wade by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by <br />Commissioner Lloyd to approve the preliminary plan for Fox Pdeadow 5ectian II <br />Subdivision. <br />VOTE: UNANIIOUS <br />12. ~7:.~a~1`1DEfi [^TOODS,=, P ER LI?-1INARY PLF.T <br />Commissioner C7hitted noted that 6A and 6B combined with 5A and 5B <br />creates unbuildable. lots. Collins stated that these lots were divided se <br />they could be sold. Gledhill noted this split created lots that do not <br />comply ~•rith the ordinance. <br />:•iotion was made by Commissioner T~Thitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Idarshall to approve the preliminary plan for Fo:: :-.eadow Section II <br />Subdivision with either 6A and 6B or 5A and 5B combined into one lot or 6B <br />and SB combined into one lot. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />13. BLACr:'~QO~],rIOiTNTAIt? ESTATES,, ~,$~'L~t,ZIT~A$Y PLA*d <br />ITotion ~•~as made by Commissioner GThitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd to approve the preliminary plan far Blackwood i•TOUntain Estates. <br />VOTE: UNANII.1OU5 <br />•20. EFLAP7D ~ET+TEP•, yTATUS REPORT <br />Thompson gave a report on the status of the sewer line: <br />1. At a meeting with the town officials and the town board, a <br />rate structure for treatment was presented by Hillsborough. <br />2. FHA hGs given tentative approval to their grant and loan and <br />have indicated they are recommending to their Caashington office a hither <br />want- orhi rh canal r7 rPC?i~n,P i-'•ia mnni-hl v rates and the debt Service. The <br />