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_ ~~;i <br />_..- - - -- <br />6 <br />repairs whereby the money from the one half cent sales tax may be used to <br />pay for the renovation and/or replacement of Stanback. <br />Dr. Lunsford pointed out that if the one half cent sales tax is <br />left to accumulate aver a five year period the projected cost must also be <br />calculated five years hence. Also things will need to be done in the short <br />run to keep the school operating. <br />Ghair Willhoit suggested a modest bond referendum that would fund <br />the renovation and' construction of the A.L. Stanback School and building <br />multipurpose rooms at Glenwood and Estes gills. An updated estimate is <br />needed for Stanback and a decision needs to be made about new construction <br />versus a combination of replacement and renovation on site. <br />Gommissioner Willhoit noted that the first priority is the roofs <br />and since there is a lot of catch-up to .be done out of the recurring <br />capital, voiced support far the handicapped accessibility project and the <br />roofs to be funded out of the one half cent sales tax because these are <br />things that must be done right away. <br />• ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further business to. come before the Board- the meeting was <br />adjourned. <br />Don Willhoit, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk <br />