Orange County NC Website
.. / ~rZ~3 <br />3 <br />County is now doing with local funds but doing it with one position and this <br />-,-- would be the second person so it would not offset .any local expense. <br />3. High School text books - requests were made for additional <br />funds last year and the year before; the state allocation is insufficient. <br />4. Exceptional Children Funding -Orange .County has not been <br />able to get all the money they are qualified to receive. This increased <br />amount of money would help draw down some of the funding the school is <br />eligible to receive and would provide more services but not replace anything <br />that is in place. <br />5. Energy - Orange County had not requested enough from local <br />sources tc cover the inflationary cast of utilities. <br />6. Vocational Education .. Orange County has not been able to <br />draw down what they are eligible to receive and to draw down federal funds a <br />state match is required to have sufficient funds for salary increases in <br />vocational education handicapped. <br />7. Maintenance Supervisor - is a definite savings of local <br />money. <br />Commissioner Whitted reiterated that out of the eight items, <br />Orange County will only realize a savings of 530,000. <br />In answer to a question from Dr. Lunsford about the salary figure <br />of 4.8$ being in an expenditure reserve with attaching revenues to go with <br />it, Chair Willhoit indicated that the 5121,000 is in a reserve. The 10$ <br />salary increase for all employees in the Orange County System is 5212,892 <br />and the certified employees at 4.8$ is 556,650 for a total of 5269,532. The <br />appropriation for 1983-84 was 52,971,000; added to 5269,532 gives 53,241,000 <br />and the manager recommended 53.215,000 which means to do just the salaries <br />- would be a markup of 525,338. <br />For Chapel Hill-Garrboro System using the 10$ totals 5457,078. <br />The 83-84 appropriation of 53,571,000 plus the Sfi47 per pupil (524,690) <br />would mean that 5106,801 would need to come from their unappropriated fund <br />