Orange County NC Website
~, <br /> <br />5 <br />handicapped facilities at the High Schaal, noting the elevator is something <br />the school will need this school year. <br />Commissioner Whitted.regaested Orange County to provide the Board with <br />a list of those items in Category one with the cost for each item in prioritg <br />listing. <br />r <br />Efland questioned the undesignated monies and asked if this was money <br />the school could use-. <br />Thompson responded that while this is undesignated, another 5186,000 <br />has been designated for the Efland Sewer. However, 5300,000 of the <br />undesignated money could be used by the schools. <br />Commissioner Whitted Hated that the Board does have an obligation to <br />fund the entire roofing project at Orange High School. The total cast of the <br />project is 5247,600 plus 88 engineering costs and travel and expenses. <br />CURRENT F'XPENSE <br />Dr.- Pamela Mayer shared a prepared statement with the Board (copy in <br />the 1984 Budget File) outlining the goals and onjectives for the next twa <br />years. - <br />Chair Willhoit asked the intention of the Board on the 15$ recorunended <br />salary increase if the state legislature only grants 10~. <br />Dr. Mayer stated the preference would be to give everyone 15~ because <br />that is what the Board has approved. That would mean that the County waul.d <br />have to pick up the extra 5~ far state paid emloyees. Mayer presented a <br />chart showing the costs for the l0$ salary increase and a 15$ increase (copy <br />is in the 1984 Budget File). <br />Commissioner whitted questioned the discrepancy in the salary figures. <br />The County Manager requested 5208,000 and the Chapel Hill/Carrboro School <br />System recommended 5450,778. <br />Mayor noted that the 5450,778 figure is correct to fund the l0~ salary <br />increase and 5142,895 is the correct figure for certificated staff. <br /> <br />