Orange County NC Website
<br />2 <br />priority roofs in two years would cost for each school system one million per <br />year. If the repairs are done over a three year period -the annual <br />expenditure woul2 be reduced by one third. The zeport includes detailed <br />inxormation on each school system and the reason they are ranked as such. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner t+iarshall about doing the <br />repairs over a four year period. Cahoon indicated that some acceleration of. <br />deterioration would take place if the repairs and/or replacements were <br />delayed for a period of 3 ta.4 years. The priorities and cost are based on <br />doing the repairs at this time. If the work is delayed for as much as four <br />years, it would be very possible that a number of the systems would zequfre <br />not only recovery but a total replacement and at approximately one third mote <br />cost. A recovery system would cost approximately 52.50 - 53.50 per square <br />foot; total replacement would cost 53.50 - 54.50 per square foot. <br />Commissioner k*illhoit indicated that the final report will be received <br />next week. <br />Sa~,B~BSLF~~Ts <br />Thompson noted three sets of Capital Project requests to review: <br />i <br />' 1. Chapel Hill-Carrboro School System - three categories plus <br />contingency amounts to 5789,400. <br />2. Orange County School System - all three categories <br />51,759,425 fs requested. <br />3. County amount, 5471,195 plus 5186,000 far the proposed <br />Efland Sewer Project. <br />60,000 Cedar Grove Multi-Purpose Center <br />111,000 Old Courthouse Renovation <br />25,000 Tax Records Building (expansion) to south' <br />_ wing attic.. <br />10,000 South Orange Multi-Purpose Center <br />56,000 Courthouse for replacemenrt of file and <br /> <br />