Orange County NC Website
9oa'1-- <br />ROAP Application <br />Trips <br />Persons <br />(unduplicated) <br />Total <br />EDTAP <br />10,000 <br />1,200 <br />$94,023 <br />Employment/Work <br />First Trans, <br />N/A <br />72 <br />$21,492 <br />Rural General Public <br />RGP <br />33,000' <br />NIA <br />$73,586` <br />TOTAL <br />$189,101 <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />None. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />close the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve the annual FY 2007 -2008 ROAP grant application, including the supplemental request <br />and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE UNANIMOUS <br />6. Regular Agenda <br />a. Approval of Fiscal Year 2007 -C <br />The Board considered adopting the County's budget ordinance, School and Capital <br />project ordinances, and County grant project ordinances for fiscal year 2007 -08. <br />Laura Blackmon said that this is her first time doing this and she was surprised at the <br />number of resolutions and ordinances that had to be passed. She thanked everyone for all of <br />the hard work that has gone into the budget process. <br />Donna Coffey said that she is asking the Board of County Commissioners to approve the <br />budget ordinance, which includes the changes made at the last work session. The total <br />General Fund now is $173,624,000. The property tax' rate increase is set at 4.7 cents on the ad <br />valorem, which totals '95 cents per one hundred dollars valuation. The budget also includes an <br />increase of 1.5 cents to the CHCCS District Tax, which totals 20.35 cents per one hundred <br />dollar valuation. The per pupil current expense was increased to $3,069 per student. This is an <br />increase of $112 over FY 2006 -2007. The Fair Funding amount was increased by $188,000, <br />bringing the total to $988,000. These funds will be split 50/50 between OCS and CHCCS. <br />The Board is also being asked to approve the School and County Capital Project <br />Ordinances that were delivered yesterday. The Board agreed to budget 50% of the lottery <br />proceeds in the upcoming fiscal year, with the remaining 50% to be budgeted in arrears (2008- <br />2009). The staff has not been able to work with either school system on how the money will be <br />allocated. The ordinances will be brought back to the Board in the fall. There are also several <br />grant projects that were continued. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Resolution of Intent, #11, which is "To <br />approve the County and School Capital Project Ordinances for fiscal year 2007 -08." She said <br />