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- <br />that the Board did not get to discuss this. Donna Coffey said that the Board could approve <br />items 1 -10, which would implement the Budget Ordinance. Adoption of Attachment 2 will be the <br />Budget Ordinance and will not include the County and School Capital Project Ordinances. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee to adopt the 2007 -08 budget, capital, <br />and grant project ordinances consistent with the parameters, outlined in the Board's "Resolution <br />of Intent to Adopt the 2007-08 Orange County Budget," with the exception of #11. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the Board should adopt attachment 2, which will capture <br />everything in items 1 -10 on attachment 1. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />adopt the Budget Ordinance as shown by Attachment 2. <br />Laura Blackmon clarified that the Board is not approving the County and School Capital <br />Project Ordinances. It will be considered later. <br />Resolution of Intent to Adopt the 2007 -08 <br />Orange County Budget <br />The items outlined below summarize decisions that the Board acted upon June 21, 2007 in <br />approving the 2007 -08 Budget. <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners has considered the Orange County <br />2007 -08 Manager's Recommended Budget; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commissioners have agreed on certain modifications to the Manager's <br />Recommended Budget; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />expresses its intent to adopt the 2007 -08 Orange County Budget Ordinance on Tuesday, June <br />26, 2007, based on the following stipulations: <br />1 -) The following changes to existing positions, as presented in the 2007 -08 County <br />Manager's Recommended Budget on May 24, 2007, are approved: <br />