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#14 can start later in the year. The improvements need to be made on Blackwood Farm <br />soon. if some of the projects are delayed, then there will be less time to complete them. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon to adopt all items on Attachment 3, <br />except #14, and instruct Laura Blackmon to bring back options for DSS space ,needs. There <br />was no second`. The motion failed. <br />12. Commissioner Foushee said that she would not be supportive of delaying items 6, 8, or <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that #3 is just the County repaying itself and this would be an <br />ideal place to defer transferring money. He is not in favor of delaying #14. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about #10. He said that he and Chair Carey met with the <br />Chair and Vice -Chair of the OCS Board. When the tennis courts were discussed, the school <br />board was thinking that if the County were to help them with the lottery proceeds and having; <br />them available more readily, there might be more capital funding to bid the track and the tennis <br />courts simultaneously. There were also questions about whether the tennis courts would in fact <br />cost $300,000. He thinks that this could be staged over the course of the year. <br />OCS Associate Superintendent for Support Services George McFarley said that the <br />school board has not met since this meeting with the Chairs and Vice- Chairs, and they meet on <br />July 9h. At that time, there will be a discussion about the findings on the actual costs. He feels <br />comfortable with the estimates brought forth, that it will be at least $300,000 to complete just the <br />tennis courts. <br />Donna Coffey said that the Board can amend this once the OCS Board has made a <br />decision on how it wants to use the lottery proceeds. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that at one point there was money budgeted for retrofitting <br />plumbing and lighting fixtures - $10,000 a year for ten years. He had argued several times that <br />it should be $50,000 for two years, but he cannot find it, Donna Coffey said that it is Utilities <br />Demand Reduction Systems. <br />Donna Coffey said that there is no new money put in this year. There are some funds <br />left over to continue retrofitting the toilets, etc. Commissioner Jacobs asked to see a schedule. <br />Laura Blackmon said that she will be doing a maintenance schedule, and this will be included.. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to a handout about the vote of the Wilkes County <br />Board of County Commissioners to appropriate: their lottery proceeds to reduce taxes. He said <br />that if this is legal, this is new to him. He asked the County Attorney to look at this. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />adopt the County Capital Budget. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No,1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />Chair Carey asked about the grant project ordinance and it was answered that it should . <br />be done separately. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the Homestead Aquatics Center capital project <br />ordinance. She said that if she works on this with Donna Coffey, then they could bring back <br />another ordinance. Donna Coffey said that all of this will be clear when all of the bonds are <br />expended. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />adopt the 2007 -08 grant project ordinance. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />Donna Coffey said that the Board had to act on Attachments 5 and 6, which were the <br />school capital project ordinances. This is appropriating the schools' pay -as- you -go money for <br />2007 -08. The staff will be bringing back to the Board in October a full ten -year plan. <br />