Orange County NC Website
~$~ <br />5 <br />i•Zation was made by Commissioner Lloyd, seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall to approve the 520,520 budgeted in the capita], fund plus a transfer <br />of 54,480 from the General Fund recreation account fo,r the Orange >=igh 5chcol <br />Tennis Court Lighting. <br />VOTE: UNANIt9OUS. <br />3. d 7 D UBD VT ION PARTICIPATORY PAVING PROJECT <br />i4otion was made by Commissioner j9alker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd to approve the petition for the Rangewood Subdivision (SRS 2013-2017 <br />Lindley, Shannon, Southern, welcome Drives and Brenda Court) participatory <br />_., paving project. <br />VOTE: UNANII4OUS. <br />4. ~T,F,p~ r~?ATNR LAY.E , R~j~j?_ PART FRO,TECT <br />, <br />(~Iotian was made by Commissioner Darshall, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd to approve the paving of Clearwater Lake Road (SR 1918) under the <br />Orange County Participatory Paving Program. <br />VpTE: UNANIf4OU$. <br />5. ~4Q[~r,p N.C., 86 AREA_+5;~'i]~~_ - PUBLIC ~AAZj~C_N~TICE <br />Tabled for receipt of corrected map. <br />6. JAriE•~~_~~~TT -_ PRELTi~1IN~~'_Pj~1N APPROVAL <br />Notion was made by Comrr.issioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd to approve the Preliminary Plan for the property of dames Bennett <br />located in Hillsborough Township on Rosewood Road, Lot 2E, Tax clap 32, 31ock <br />C. <br />VOTE: Ut7ANIMOUS. <br />7. V~KL~?1.3_ D~VI~ REZONI~G_ $~OUEST <br />iSarvin Collins, nirectar of Planning, presented this item pointing <br />out that this zoning change for 2.35 acres from A-R to NC-2 went to public <br />hearing on February 27, 1984 but was not acted upon in the April Planning <br />Board meeting. The planning staff recommended denial because it does not <br />comply with the zoning ordinance requirement of 5 acre lots. <br />Rick Cannity, private developer, explained that the back of the <br />property will be divided to build homes and is comprised of 4.17 acres that <br />is zoned A-R and he would like to modify the request to only .$3 acres. <br />Motion was Wade by Commissioner talker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd that the modification be accepted and that the designated .83 acre be <br />rezoned from A-R to NC-2. <br />VOTE: UNANIi9OUS. <br />8. ~a <br />Alotion Baas made by Commissioner Lloyd, seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall to approve the Preliminary Plan far Mel Oak Estates subject to (1) <br />-_ an approved stormwater management plan and (2) road built to Department of <br />Transportation standards. <br />-.-- VOTE: UPdANII•]OU5 <br />9. HACI'tl`?~Y HEIRS SUBIlaY7$~QN_~Pk3~]'s~MINBRV FT_.AT ~PR~ OVAL. <br />Marvin Collins pointed out that this is a 22 lot subdivision <br />located in Chapel Hill Township on SR 1942 and off Jones Ferro Road. The <br />maximum lot size proposed is 5.7 acres while the minimum lot size is 2.0 <br />acres. It is located within the University Lake watershed. <br />Pat Davis from OYdA5A expressed his concern for protecting the <br />Univesity Lal:e water quality for continued availability of water which is <br />safe and of high quality. t~ith reference to Hackney Heirs Subdivision he <br />expressed three concerns: (a) drainage or disposal far waste water with a <br />hackun svstPme (h) er.osi.on control and (3) future use of the lots as created <br />