Orange County NC Website
County Capital Investment Plan <br />Descriptions of Projects <br />Lands Legacy Total County Project Budget $17,854,577 • <br />The Lands Legacy program, adopted in April 2000, seeks to identify and acquire the County's <br />highest - priority natural and cultural resource lands, and land -bank appropriate sites for future parks <br />and open space. Since inception, the Lands Legacy program has become nationally and State - <br />recognized and has protected 1,600 acres of natural and cultural resource lands or future parkland. <br />During its initial years, funding for the Lands Legacy program consisted of pay -as- you -go funding. <br />In 2001, voters approved $7.0 million in bonds for the Lands Legacy program. Additional funding for <br />the project include $300,000 in 2004 two- thirds net debt reduction bonds in fiscal year 2004 -05 and <br />pay -as- you -go beginning in fiscal year 2005 -06 throughout the Capital Investment Plan period. <br />Additional funds of $3 million are included in the Conservation Easements Capital Project to obtain <br />conservation easements and other sensitive lands that may not be open to public access (and <br />thereby not available for bond funding). <br />Lands Legacy acquisitions are identified and negotiated through the biennial Lands Legacy Action <br />Plan, and as opportunities arise and as landowners are willing to sell. Target areas for Lands Legacy <br />in coming years include continuing to acquire lands for future park sites, the creation of nature <br />preserves, protection of identified Natural Heritage sites and prime forest lands, acquisition of <br />farmland conservation easements, and preservation of critical cultural, scenic and archaeological <br />sites. The County can also use pay -as- you -go funds for Lands Legacy to leverage grant funds from <br />a variety of State and federal sources. The County has leveraged $3.7 million in grant funds to date <br />by using local funds as a match. <br />Identification of lands and negotiation for purchase will be ongoing throughout the CIP period, based <br />on willing sellers and available funds. The County will continue to seek partnerships with other land <br />trusts, such as Triangle Land Conservancy, and other local governments and OWASA, as well State • <br />and Federal programs. <br />Twin Creeks Park Total County Project Budget $1,850,000 <br />(Formerly Known as Chapel Hill Township District Park) <br />In 2001, the County purchased 193 acres of land located near the intersection of Old Highway 86 <br />and Eubanks Road for the Chapel Hill Township Park and Educational Campus. Proposed plans for <br />the site included co- locating the Chapel Hill Township District Park (identified in the adopted 1988 <br />Parks Plan) with Chapel Hill - Carrboro School District Elementary School #10 and other potential <br />future school facilities. Both projects were included in the November 2001 voter approved bond <br />referenda. <br />Park related bonds for the Park (Phase 1) total $1.2 million. In June 2005, the Board allocated an <br />additional $650,000 from the Soccer Superfund for this project (which includes soccer fields). In <br />2002 -03, a Master Plan Work Group developed a Master Plan for the site, which identified a 96 -acre <br />site for the park. Tentative park facilities in Phase I include lighted playing fields, nature trails and a <br />picnic area surrounding an existing pond. The total 96 -acre park may include as many as four <br />phases. The completed park would also include renovations to the existing historic farmstead house <br />and barn located on the property (funds for stabilization and weatherproofing only have been <br />budgeted to date). <br />A master plan for the site was approved in May 2005. Discussions with the Town of Carrboro were <br />held in fall of 2005 regarding the approval process, and on February 7 the Town Board received a <br />courtesy review of the master plan. A Conditional Use Permit application to the Town of Carrboro <br />would be prepared in conjunction with detailed engineering work, and is planned to be accomplished <br />in conjunction with like plans for Northern Park. This work should allow for the CUP application to be • <br />4 <br />