Minutes - 19840402
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19840402
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• i~u <br />5 <br />meetings were held for the purpose of identifying the area and e~:plaining <br />the recommendation made by the staff. The proposal was reviewed ~s well as <br />the alternatives. A public hearing coos held on November 28, 1983. No <br />immediate action was taken pending a reservoir study indicating the <br />reservoir sites in the upper Eno area and how they related to the land use <br />plan. on Idarch 29, 1984, the Township advisory Council for Cheeks, <br />Hillsborough and Eno township held a meeting. The Hillsborough Advisory <br />- Council endorsed the findings and recommendations of the Planning Board <br />with regard to the i~7est Orange area development standards. The Cheeks <br />Advisory Council endorsed the resolutions they had made previously with <br />regard to the G7est Orange Plan for Cheeks Township which included (1) <br />positive recommendation for the extension of water and sewer throughout the <br />T-85 and US 70 corridor; (2) the deletion oz the water critical area along <br />7-85 and US 70 connector and (3) a minimum lot size for Industrial use be <br />reconsidered. They did not made a recommendation about the zoning of <br />Cheeks. <br />The Orange County Planning Board met on biarch 19, 1984. One <br />major concern with regard to the reservoir study was the .time frame. They <br />endorsed the Y2est Orange area study including the Seven t~,ile Creek <br />reservoir study proposal and the water critical area. The seven mile creek <br />reservoir site was the first priority. Collins entered into the record the <br />resolution (~~_ in the resolution permanent file). Y,e pointed out <br />that the water quality critical area as presented an November 28, 1983 used <br />_ property lines for boundaries. These areas are now indicated by usin <br />ridge lines. The Planning t3oard unanimously recommends to the Board of <br />- Commissioners the adoption of the G7est Orange Study and Land Use Plan as <br />.. presented at the November 28 public hearing with the revised designation of <br />the water quality critical area in determining boundary lines. A proposal <br />was made to add to the Ylest Orange Land Use Plan a new land use plan <br />category for the water quality critical area. The description is as <br />follows: <br />Designate anew plan category, Water duality Critical Area, <br />far the area adjacent to water supply inpoundrients to <br />provide far more comprehensive development standards for <br />.water quality protection than in less critical areas of the <br />water supply watershed. The plan category is applied to <br />land draining directly to existing or future water supply <br />impoundments (Lake Sen Johnson, Corporation hake, proposed <br />expansion of Cor~;oration Lake and proposed Seven Mile Creek) <br />by overland flow and interflow, called shorelands and <br />draining directly into the main channels of trunk streams <br />emptying into the impoundments. <br />The Planning Board unanimously supported (1) the land use plan <br />category designation; (2) location criteria; and (3) land use goals and <br />policies as presented at the November 28, 1983 meeting. <br />Commissioner Lloyd requested the criteria for establishing the <br />water quality critical lines. Collins explained that by using a <br />topographic map, the proposed reservoir sites were drawn and identified by <br />drawing a line along the ridge lines of those lands that would drain <br />directly into the lake without doing through any tributaries. Going up the <br />tributary to the first fork and back to the proposed impoundment <br />identifying those lands that would drain directly into the main channels <br />
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