Minutes - 19840313
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19840313
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~c~~ <br />5 <br />Sir Walter Chevrolet of Raleigh in the amount of SS8,200.00 for six (6) <br />1984 Chevrolet Impala police package vehicles, to be delivered and paid <br />far after July 1, 1984. VOTE: UNAPrIMOUS. <br />2. ~~Q,X~l Assj„~g~g~~Qy~nt - DSO. <br />Tom Ward, Social Services Board, informed the com- <br />missioners of the increased demand for emergency aid and requested a <br />transfer of unexpended funds. <br />Commissioner TN"hitted moved and Commissianer Narshall'seconded <br />approval that the Social Services Board be authorized to respond to the <br />County's emergency needs as necessary and be responsible for monitoring <br />the use of unexpended county funds in the amount of 55,000 from the Chore <br />service program through. the end of 1983-534 fiscal year. VOTE: <br />UNAATIMQUS . <br />3. Commun~~j,nc~~,],~~-rt,~~ves. Inca, R~~ruest <br />Commissioner rlarshall moved, Commissioner whitted seconded <br />approval of an appropriation of S5,D00 from the contingency for <br />construction of a lobby for the Adelaide Walters Apartments on Airport <br />Road in Chapel Hill. VOTE: Ayes, a; Noes 1 (walker). <br />4. ~~131~~X=3dl~~RQ.Q~sir~e~' <br />Thompson presented a proposal for getting factural <br />information on the condition of all County and Board of Education roofs, <br />thus enabling the County to determine the roofing needs and allocation of <br />funds for roofing projects on a short and long term basis. <br />NIr. Kahle from Law Engineering summarized the survey <br />explaining the procedure they will follow in surveying and prioritizing. <br />Commissioner Lloyd questioned the approval of the two school <br />boards to go ahead with this survey. <br />Kennedy emphasized he was not in disagreement with having the <br />survey; his concern was possible dismissal of the firm that had done <br />previous work for the school system for three years and also funding <br />through project ordinance. They do not disagree with the survey. <br />Commissioner Willhoit noted that Law Engineerin5 does have a <br />proven tract record in the non-destructive testing and the survey results <br />would be discussed by the two Boards of Education and the Board of <br />Commissioners and would provide a data base for determining the overall <br />roofing needs. <br />Commissioner Lloyd requested the county-wide roof survey be <br />tabled and bids solicited from the engineers for the two Boards of <br />Education. <br />Conunissioner 4illhoit reiterated that a meeting had been held <br />between the Board of Commissioners and the representatives from the two <br />school Boards and discussion was held on what extent the information <br />would be used and the recommendation was that the County's firm would not <br />look at the other engineering reports but would obtain new data and <br />compare. Both systems had indicated they would use the information. The <br />engineering survey being presented is the outcome of that meeting. <br />Commissioner Whitted suggested that Piark Rees request another <br />proposal using the same criterion as that reauested of Law Engineering. <br />Commissioner Willhoit restated the motion: the County is <br />to solicit proposals from the engineering firms now serving the tvao <br />school systems. Upon receipt of those proposals a meeting will be <br />
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