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4 <br />5 <br />6'btion: I~lhitted moved to zefer the relevant sections of the proposed <br />ordinance to the Planning Eoard. tiiall:er seconded the motion. VDT;;: <br />unanimous (4-0) . <br />T^xillhoit clarified that Agenda Item n.3 (Upper Eno Reservoir Feasibility <br />Report) was not an item for decision, regareing adoption of the Plan, but to <br />determine if and trher. to hold a public hearing nn the report. <br />C-3 ~, r. <br />~j,mball Partin (L[N2-f3~s <br />Tie applicant, v~. Kimball Partin, has requested a secvrrary amendment to <br />the Land Use Plan for Ozange County to redesignate approximately 69.862 acres <br />of a 1a~.7.02 acre tract identified on Tax T•iap 128 as Lot X20 located in Chapel <br />fill Tavnship and bounded by US 15-501 and Old Lystra Road (SR 1915) from <br />Rural Buffer to 7'en Year Transition. The remaining 5~4 acres located in <br />Chatham County. The portion of t'~e lot under consideration is the entire <br />portion of the lot in Orange County, in the County's jurisdiction with the <br />exception of the northr~estern corner of the tract is located within Chapel <br />Hill extzaterritorial planning jurisdiction. Mote that the Orange County tax <br />map shots that the portion under consideration. in Orar_ge County is bounded by <br />US 15-501 and Lystra Road and contains 91.71 acres. 'lhe survey map contained <br />in the packet and included with the amendment application indicates that the <br />tract extents east of Lystra ?toad anc1 contains 89`.862. This is a secondary <br />amendment under the 1982 adopted procedures for amending the Land Use Plan as <br />an e:tension Df a planned area tahere the additional area is contiguous to an <br />area with the requested play. desiclnation and less than 100 acres. <br />The redesignation of an area from one planned category to another requires <br />the application of loca~ional czitezia to determine suitability far redesigna- <br />lion from Rural T3uffer to Ten Year Transition Area. <br />This locational criteria exe given and compazed in the agenda packet. <br />They include an evaluation of land slope, hydzology, flora and fauna, soil <br />conditions, public services/utilities, historical and cultural facilities, <br />transportaticn system, energy use, existing land use, agriculture anc~ forestry <br />and population density. The azea r:~ets t11e criteria for land slope taydrology, <br />flora and fauna, soil conditions, historical and cultural facilities, energy <br />use, agriculture and forestry, and poses no undesirable impact under these <br />CDnd l.t ].DI15 . <br />Fuzther consideration should be given to the locational criteria, public" <br />services/utilities, transportation, existing land use and population density. <br />Tvith regard to public services ant: utilities the location for the Ten Year <br />Transition Area assumes that the area is or can be reasonably and efficiently <br />served by centralized public services and utilities. <br />O[7A.SA has provided same cammer_ts on the extension of public tr~tez and <br />sewer to serve the area and currently provides water service to a limited area <br />__ in the southern part of .Orange County, includinc the intersection of U.S. <br />15-501 and Smith Level Road. An 8" water line is adjacent tD and e:ctends <br />north along US 15-501 halfway to T?ave Road. Should public water service be <br />e::tended, OTVASA would recuire the developer to loop the water system in the <br />area and extend the lines throuch the property to Old Lystra Road. The <br />developer would have to bear all the costs of construction and u~r-front <br />financing. <br />T9ith regard to trastewater treatment, the property lies in the ?~7i3sor, Creek <br />subdivision (hart o{ Tiorgan Creek sub-basin - Smith bevel P.oad to Old Lyster <br />RDad north anti to east Ir~tver I°iorcari Creeks) . OG•7ASA recommends that should <br />rn~'~l i ~ Sr~tmr rc~rvi ce 5P ertenc.;ed. that the developer extend the gravity set:*er <br />