Orange County NC Website
~~~; <br />1 <br />T•I INUTES <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />February 27, 1984 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session on <br />Monday, February 27, 1984 in Superior Courtroom in Hillsborough, .North <br />Carolina. <br />Commissioners Pzesent: Don Plillhoit, Chair and Commissioners <br />Shirley Tdarshall, Tdorman Glalker and Richard Whined. <br />1. ACQUISITION OF B NEIn' I,prj~pFILL SITE -. <br />County i•Ianager Ken Thompson presented information for consider- <br />ation of the purchase of a 169 acre tract for future landfill use located <br />adjacent to the present landfill. He e~:plained that four alternatives <br />were explored and all were found not feasible. There is no financial <br />impact since there are sufficient funds in the Landfill P.eserve Fund to <br />pay the purchase amount of 5608,000. <br />A petition was presented to the Board from three (3) neighborhood <br />cor~niunities requesting the Orange County Board of Commissioners to delay <br />the purchase of the "Green" property until serious questions were <br />answered. They requested various information: (1) the results of an <br />environmental impact study both to the garbage dump site and to the <br />surrounding wells, ponds, streams, etc. and most important their homes; <br />(2) the results of a cultural impact study as it relates to quality of <br />life and the value of property; (3) record of any complaint filed against <br />- the existing landfill; (4) the reports of geological or soil test studies <br />ana the effects of runoff, and (5), the results of economical analysis that <br />impair the "Green" property that takes into account the surrounding <br />residents. <br />The petition requested a delay because: (1) errors have been made <br />ksy staff providing information on number and location of streams; (2) the <br />potential pollution of water supply and (3) the total .cost of the site. <br />A person in the audience complained about the present landfill and <br />their operations. Commissioner [dillhoit requested County Manager Thompson <br />to investigate the complaints. <br />Commissioner Ylillhoit noted that the concerns raised by the <br />petition will be addressed zt the time the landfill is zoned, and that the <br />solid waste task force would be set up to review solid waste in Orange <br />County and would provide an annual report on the state of the art of solid <br />waste disposal. <br />Commissioner riarshall noted that the landfill. site concerns <br />certainly will be considered and that even though the landfill will be <br />purchased that it can always be sold again. <br />--. Commissioner tdhitted moved and Commissioner Marshall seconded the <br />resolution which authorized the purchase of the 169+ acres tract, Chapel <br />Hill Township trap 24, Lot 17A for a sum of 53,600.00 per acre or a total <br />of 5608,400 from the Orange Regional Landfill Fund and directs the Town of <br />Chapel Hill, as administrator of the Landfill, to take the necessary steps <br />to effect this purchase as soon as possible. VOTE: UPdANIMOUS <br />2. CHILD C~ ~Q I~~II, REPORT <br />County T~~anager Thompson reported that on February 21, 1984, the <br />Board received the Child Care Council's report on the coordination of <br />child care services in Orange County. Commissioner tidhitted moved and <br />fnmmiccinnar Giarahall eannnnar7 tha ~nnrnval nfe (1) COriti,nuatlOn of the <br />