Orange County NC Website
A <br />• 3 percent Cost of Living increase effective July 1, 2007 for permanent <br />employees <br />• In- range salary increases ranging from 1 to 2 percent for employees whose <br />work performance is rated proficient or higher work performance effective on <br />the employees' performance review date <br />• $2.50 increase in County 401 (k) contribution for non -sworn law enforcement <br />employees from $25 to $27.50 per pay period effective July 1, 2007 <br />Increase the County's Living Wage for ,employees from $9.62 per hour to <br />$10.12 per hour effective July 1, 2007 <br />10) To adopt the recommended County Fee Schedule with the following exceptions: <br />• Animal Services — Current fees for Animal Services Civil Penalties and Fines will <br />remain at the fiscal year 2006 -07 rates until the Animal Services Advisory Board and <br />Board of County Commissioners agree upon a public education and outreach <br />program <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />CHCCS Board Member Lisa Stuckey said that this has been a hard budget season, and <br />she thanked the County Commissioners for the work they have done this year and for listening <br />to the public. She said that the budget supports almost all of the needs of the growth and the <br />mandated pay increases from the State. She agreed about looking for a cooperative budget <br />process. She also looks forward to some clarification on the fund balance situation. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 (Commissioner Nelson) <br />Attachments 3 and 4 <br />Donna Coffey said that this includes only the projects that will receive pay -as- you -go <br />funds in 2007 -08. Attachment 4 includes all of the capital project ordinances that are included <br />in Attachment 3; but it also includes ordinances that have an expiration date of June 30, 2007 <br />that need to be continued. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Information Technology capital projects on <br />Attachment 3. He suggested that a higher priority be placed on those projects that interface <br />with the public. Previously, IT had the Clerk to the Board putting up minutes and ordinances for <br />citizen searches last, and now it has the Library replacement computers last. He said that <br />people are complaining that the library computers are very slow and inconsistent. He <br />suggested that these projects be re`prioritized based on a service model to the public. Laura <br />Blackmon will follow up on this. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought the Board was going to go through <br />Attachment 3 in order to discuss these. She does not believe that all of these projects need to <br />be adopted. She thought that the Board should approve the Manager's recommended <br />allocation for the previous commitments. She would also like the Manager to come back with <br />options for space needs. She does not want to obligate all of the pay -as- you -go funds yet. She <br />thinks that the Board should obligate items 1, 2, 3, and 9. <br />Laura Blackmon said that some of these items, such as Information Technology, are a <br />year's worth of work, and if they do not approve it, they will be months behind. She said that <br />