Minutes - 19840206
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19840206
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<br />5 <br />River Basin P.eservoir Develo~ent Feasibility Report; and (2) Cheeks <br />Toednship T7ater and Sever Er:tension Feasibility Report. <br />Cou:ity i'k.nacer Thompson indicated that the reservoir site <br />selected by the Board, would need to be incorporated into the Planning <br />Department's reco;:rmendations for the Land Use Plan. <br />Don Cox ruestioned the justification for not going ~~ith the <br />larcer Seven ri4ile Creek site and Fisher indicated the smaller site would <br />satisfy the needs for X40 to 50 years. A report had not been completed on <br />the enc:angered species or plant species. Fisher indicated that <br />in~ormation was used from other sources: (1) the TJCQG, and (2) the <br />Greater Hillsborough 201 Study. <br />collies, Director of Planning, i~icated that, as a result of <br />this report, the water quality critical area would be reduced on the Land <br />Use Plan. <br />Comt:~issioner F~7illhoit questioned the water limited areas and <br />the recomr~ndation of going with a smaller reservoir in the Seven Mile <br />Creek instead of the size that cvas originally proposed. Fisher recorr <br />mended the first reservoir for development in the upper west fork of the <br />Eno because it had the largest capacity of any of the sites to be <br />developed and was the most feasible and should provide water for 25 to 30 <br />years. This report gill go to the Planning Board on February 20. <br />Fisher indicated that the, sEC•rer and water plan was based or. <br />the development of Cheeks township in accordance with the proposed land <br />use plan gravided by the Planning Department which includes the long <br />range tester plan to a.~~er t_he sewer needs for the Efland area. The <br />imrn:°ciate sewer needs are divided into six (6) phases. ~1so, there will <br />be a gravity sewer with three puni stations, and collection and treatment <br />systems. Cash outlay includes projected bands, various grants, and <br />personal financing by the homea~vners in the area. The system will not <br />work unless all property as:~ners have tapped onto the system within the <br />first year. There are areas in the Land Use Plan that could be served by <br />phase 1 of this plan. However, it would take additional pumping and <br />additional e::tensions. <br />Commissioner Pdillhait voiced a concern for prospective in- <br />dustrial clients for those areas zoned irxlustry that will be served by <br />phase one. <br />Thompson outlined the charges for the average user: (1) <br />518.00 a month server cost, (2) tap on fee, and (3) fee for going from the <br />stubout point to the house. The tap on fee and stubout'fee would be used <br />to create a reserve for operating cost and to pay back the general fund <br />(585,000) for the loan for the project. The per month rate structure <br />will incorporate the cost of maintenance and the debt service: <br />Commissioner Aiarshall requested the nur:t~er of homes that have <br />septic tanks which are in good ~•~ori:ing order. Thompson indicated tris <br />information oras included in the questionnaire and woulc: be forthcoming. <br />Commissioner taillhoit requested that the reports }ye forvrarded <br />to the planning staff and Board to review in relation to land use plan <br />and provide the Board with several options on the :Figures so a public <br />hearing could be set for the earliest possible date. At this time the <br />zoning 155ue may be placed on the saw public hearing. A decision on the <br />engineering contract grill be delayed until after the public hearing. <br />Cor¢nissioner L1ovd moved, Commissioner ti~Talker seconded the <br />armrncrl of thA rPSnlut=inn recaaired by the State to consider authorizing <br />
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