Orange County NC Website
.Llu` <br />18 <br />'i•'i7e proposed amendr;~ents would limit signs within the proposed ti^_'C district <br />to identification and incidental signs only. Outdoor advertising signs would <br />nit be permitted. <br />Identification signs are on-premise signs identifying a business, person, <br />service, ac~ivity, car,:modity or product. <br />Incidential signs are on-premise signs providing information for the <br />convenience and necessity of the public, such as "parking", "no e3:it", etc. <br />Outdoor advertising signs are off-premise signs by the outdoor advertising <br />industry and relating in its subject matter to a business, service, cor;~r~iodity, <br />_ attraction or other activity conducted, sold or offered at a location other <br />than the premises on vrhich the sign is located. <br />I'he proposed amendments e:~ould also limit the number and size of <br />informationa signs in the i>iTC district. <br />Outside the t•ITC district the propose&. amendments would limit outdoor <br />advertising signs placement to areas designated as activity nodes in the LnG <br />Use Plan and sites specifically zoned General Commercial (GC4) and Industrial <br />1,2, and 3 located adjacent to I.C t36, NC 57, I3C 54, NC 70. The nroposa_s also <br />include a provision for spacing of outdoor advertising which applies to 1000` <br />radius spacing limit betvreen signs. <br />Chandler Cates, independent merchant, noted that signs are already <br />regulated by State and Fereral regulations. He further noted the County gets <br />l~ of all sales tar, revenue from retail merchants who advertise. <br />T7illhoit c-uestionec the role signs play in generating local inco;.ie and <br />• askew staff ~o obtain studies on how effective signs were as a means to <br />generate local business. He thought informational and logo signs vrere tine <br />primary means to generate business at interchanges. Smith responded the staff <br />vroulr obtain studies. <br />The Board discussed logo sicns. <br />Joe Crevrs of I~cDonalds noted sales increases of 24~ to 45~ vrith logo signs. <br />fie also felt establishments which cannot use a logo (such as Daniel Boone" <br />Village) should be allowed to place signs on the interstate. <br />Chuck Willard,.president of Daniel Soone Merchants Association, e3:pressed <br />concern with the removal of sirens advertising the Daniel Boone Village and its <br />businesses on Interstate 85. FIe cited possible loss of income with sign <br />removal. Smith responded the proposal does not affect signs ir. the <br />Hillsborough jurisdiction and if a sign in the County's jurisdiction Baas fount; <br />to be nonconforming, there is a five year removal period crhich reflects the <br />time necessary for amortization of the investment. <br />An unidentified man asked that an er:arrple of Joao signs be prepared. <br />TJhitted clarified only gas, food and lodging establishments are shovrn on logo <br />signs. <br />Smith indicated cost savings could be realized throuch use of logo signs, <br />-.- citing the state average for slop rental is $2,000-$3,000, inn for logo rental <br />vras only 57.50.00. Lloyd questioner the high figures. Crevrs indicated he could <br />vouch for the figures for I~icDonald's advertisement. <br />Benny Cecil, owner of Efland Gulf Station on 2-85 indicated his reliance on <br />signs and advertising to compete v:ith other gas establishments. <br />Jerry Bailey, Hillsborough Daniel Boone Shell, indicated one--third of his <br />business of the interstate was generated by his high-rise sign. lie adced the <br />only way to sell is to compete. Ile noted many travelers 1001: for a specific <br />gas or lodging establishment. <br />r.rillhoit clarified the purpose of logo signs was to inform the traveling <br />r,„h1 ; r n,= •r i^a ar,ar.; ri ~ ~ctnhl i ~hnc-+nt, Rai 1 P~~ resnonc~ec, ti~at a saeci_z"; is aa5 <br />