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.~ ! ~. <br />17 <br />Charles Johnston (property owner) stated he felt this proposal amounted to <br />taking 1Gnd with no corpensation. He felt it svgs e~:cessive and that ~-roperty <br />owners were being forced into accepting T-40. He conmlented that the concern <br />was k in the land Green, but with ro compensation for owners and that 1Fnd <br />wa eff t ely removed from the tax base. <br />xt Smith e~:pressed concern with 6.24.4, the 25ro natural vegetation <br />provis n. He questioned the provision where there is no existing vegetation. <br />Hen V7hitfield, property owner ir_ the I-40 corridor, noted that the <br />Gorr or would cost the owners he represented about i0 acres of property. <br />A co "ng to I:r. t•dhitfield the bu er would take an additional 23 acres crith no <br />nt to owners. He wa p tic arty concerned with land split by the <br />ridor. <br />Iir. 47hitfield asked f r of hands for property ocvners in the corriGOr <br />von and against the bu This showed approximately 25 against and 5 in <br />avo o; the buffer. <br />I•ie felt that site pla could take care of the fear of contamination of the <br />landscape with unsightly ildzngs. Kizer, Planning Board member, noted that <br />it is important to untie c:Ilr. T~icAdams point that this proposal constitutes <br />an uncompensated "talci He continued that it should be a point of order to <br />- prevent a "taking" of inadvertent]_y or intentionally. Since he felt this <br />might result an rtpensated "taking", he recuested that the County <br />Attorney comr,:ent n t aossibility of an ille,al taking of land. <br />Co;nmissioner ll t noted the attorney will be reviewing the entire <br />ordnance for lega 't <br />- Ron I~territt ~ rthwoocs Homeowners Association inquired about property <br />owners being n ti d of particular applications and permit approvals far <br />development. t 'tt noted that changing the underlying Honing would reGUirE <br />notice. I•_errit ed he would like to see the inclusion. of a prcvision <br />regarding notic adjoining property ovrners vrithin ].000 feet far building <br />permit app als or es with correct zoning. <br />Joe Mist , prope owners adjacent to I-40 but outside of 100' buffer, <br />urge he oa - o cons er individuals beyond the corridors. IZE indicated <br />vegetats ery important to the decrease of sound. He felt developers <br />could pars creative uses of land within the statutes. <br />Jack FIo ely, owner o~ the Farmhouse Restaurant, expressed concerns <br />arding si s such as his directional sign for customers off T.C. 86. <br />ith re onded the proposal, would not allow off-premise signs ir. the <br />distric Sh clarified that this was the only use provision in the proposal <br />and that t re single and t~•ro family houses were not subject to the proposed <br />development tandards. She clarified that both single family houses and <br />_- cuplexes ca be deV210ped orith normal setbacks and without being subject to <br />vegetation provisions. <br />_. --.- IicAdams cruestioned the application of the 100' setback to approval of six <br />(6) subdivisions and their designs. If so, he continued, this must be <br />qualified in the communication to the public regarding single anG two-family <br />dwellings. <br />The public hearing was adjourned until the February 21, 1584 Nublic hearing. <br />Proposec Te]:t Amendrzents to Article 9 Signs <br />Presentation as follows by Smith: <br />The proposec= text araendments to Article 5 ~ic?ns address two rain issues: <br />].) the types of signs perrnitted in the b`_:C c.istrict and 2) the placement of <br />outdoor advertising outsie:e she iITC district. <br />