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a.~~ <br />16 <br />The site plan. requirements are as follows: <br />Each application for a building ,permit shall. be accomL~anied by a site plan <br />or plans which show the information specified in the proposed text. <br />Proposed site standards includE: <br />a} Conformance v.ilh the landscaping and screening requirements i.n proposed <br />Article 12 ~~~~~,' ~ nine. <br />b) The provision of a 100 foot buffer area from the edge of the <br />right-of-way of an interstate highv:ay that shall remain in its natural state at <br />the time of construction where c~aoded and landscaped in accordance wilt: an <br />approved plan which takes into consideration the growth and naturity of <br />existing frees, the policy of fostering wooded areas in tae buffer, and other <br />Landscaping factors. i•Iithi~a these areas, ingress, egress and ulilit}> service <br />shall be perrlitted, but no other disturbance for sire improvement shall be <br />permitted. <br />c) A 100 foot setback adjacent to the interstate regardless of whether it <br />be the front, side or rear yard. <br />d) A 50 foot setbacl: adjacent to inlersectinc roads al an interchange for <br />the entire width of the district at these irterchanres. <br />e) Conformance vrith off-street parking requirements st~ecified in Article <br />ID ~~~-L~~la~~9 anc„ L~~s~1D~a,:. <br />f) Conformance with the signaye requirements of Article 9 ~.,gns. <br />Proposed amendments to the Article 9 would not allow outdoor advertising in the <br />P•1TC district, anG would restrict sicrns to incidental and information signs <br />only. <br />g) A minimum of 25b of the total area shall remain in its natural <br />vegetated condition. Area containing wooded area or areas with trees 12" in <br />c~iameler at breas~ heichl shall be retained and set aside to meet the <br />requiren;ent before other areas are so used. Commissioner jdillhoit referred to <br />6.2E.2 and suggested using the term "circurnference" insteac: of "diariieter" and <br />define the term or instead of "breast high" use a standard height. <br />Y-Tynan iiartin of Hillsborough Planning Eoard stated that with the irnr~act of <br />T-40, this board also wants to consider and make reconu:~endatiors on the <br />proposal. <br />}3.B. Olive urged the l;oards to provide protection for the Upper i.ew ~Iope <br />Creek basin. )3ew f?ope Creek has been used far research and it is important to <br />avoid spills. I?e poled that catch basins maintained by DOT caould be.r.~ost <br />useful. Fie added there is also a possibiJ,ity of ganger to Dul;e Forest. <br />John ~~cAdams, engineer and representative of J.P. Goforth, felt that the <br />proposal would benefit the County and he does support site planning, yet he <br />feels a 100' buffer is inequitable and amounts to a "taY,iny of land". 1=e <br />referred to DOT procedures and actions on acquiring Lands for the I-40 <br />right-of-way. <br />T•'rtritted clarifies: the proposal does not apply to single anc: two far~i ly <br />dwelings. itizer added it does apply to higher residential densities. <br />WiLLhoit askeG if the basis far BOm's reciuisition and settlement wc;E <br />residential property. I~IcP_dams responded it was the status of the property a.t <br />the time not enhancement value. <br />I.1cAdams stressed that care should be taken so that the proposal is <br />equitable so that we do r_ot end up vaith a very pleasing visual buffer for the <br />good of the entire community and the transerts the cost of v~hich buffer is <br />borne by the property owners within the district. <br />