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i~~ <br />14 <br />C•?ith ro further questions or evidence on this item the public hearing eras <br />adjourned until February 21, 1981 to receive the Planning Board reconmenc;ation. <br />u-1-84. (Rezonir_gP,eauest) - Ciood Frothers, Inc. <br />Presentation by Coutu. <br />The request is for rezoning from R-1 Resicential to GC-4 General Cpr~unercial <br />to enable coru~ercial aevelopment as well as office use. The property is <br />located across from the present Yioods Brothers office site. The lot size is <br />4.74 acres or 212,137.20 square feet 4nd at present is vacant land. <br />To the north is e~:istinr and projected single-far,:ily residential <br />__. development (Wildvrood Subdivision zoned R-~ & R-5 Residential am Joppa Oa~~s <br />Subdivision zoned R-2 Residential). To the south is Duke University School of <br />Forestry (Duke University Tower C1Gss-"S" Special Use Permit) and single_family <br />residences zoned P.-1 Residential district. To the east is Piedmont Power <br />Company zoned Planned Development-Office Institutional, and single-family <br />residences zoned R-1 Residential. To the west is C•?nods Frothers, Inc. (4.9u'- <br />acres tract); various commercial uses on 2.94 acres coned E:istin~~ Commercial-5 <br />and single family horses, mobile homes and duplexes on 2.0 acres zoned R-1 <br />.Residential. TYie subject property is within the node, as revised in the <br />adopted Central Orange Area Plan, and located at the intersectio,_ of Ir_terstate <br />85 and 1`.TC 86. The plan category for this node is Cor[uaercial-Industrial <br />Transition. <br />Section 4.2.x1 of the Zoning OrGinance states that the district designation <br />~+ill be applied when the follos:ing conditions exist: <br />1. The site is within an area designated as either Comrercial or <br />-- Industrial Transition Activity tiode, by the adoptec Land Use Plan in Eno or <br />HillsborougP~ Townships. <br />• Staff Comment: As indicated previously, the site is vrithin the II);-4, <br />Harmon ioun+~ node which is designated in the Land Use Plan as a Carmnercial-In- <br />dustrial Activity P3ode and is located in f?illsborough Township. <br />2. C•dater and sewez mains e.cist at the site or are to be made available as <br />part of the development process, or the lot size for inrliviGUa1 uses is <br />appropriate to the method of water supply and sewage disposal. <br />Staff Comment: C•later and sanitary sewer service can be provided by the <br />Town of Hillsborousl~ through an extension of the facilities previously <br />installed to serve the C~Tildwooa Development. However, water and sewer service <br />will not be available to this site until the town receives approval Exam the <br />state for the facilities vrhich were installed for the C~ildwood Development. <br />Depending on density, the site will probably be served by an individual cvell <br />and septic tank; if mare than one use, public water and sevrer is likely. <br />3. A11 property to be designated for seta development under this <br />classification shall have direct access to major collector streets, as <br />designated by the adopted Land Use Plan. <br />-- Staff Comment: The subject property is Located within the I3B-G Activity <br />I]ode. This node is focused on the interchange at the intersection. of an <br />interstate (I-85) and an arterial righwa~T (PbC86). This site is located and has <br />direct access an the east side of an arterial (I;C86) as designated in the Land <br />Use Plan. <br />There s•;ere no ciuestions and no citizen conments. <br />The public hearing eras adjourned until February 21, 1984 to receive the <br />Planning Board comrlents. <br />Pronoscd t_ajor Transportation corridor (I:TC) District presented by Smith as <br />follows: <br />