Orange County NC Website
1~~ <br />Out~oor acvertisinc, liens are ofa-~rer.ise.signs by the outdoor advertisinc <br />industr~~ anu rela4inr __. i.ts. subject ratter to a business, ser~~ce, cor~::ocitz;, <br />attraction or ot_~er activit~,- cor_c?•uctec„ sold or offerer z.t a location other <br />than t11e i~reTt11SL'S O^ ?'rl?~Ch 4.'7e Sl;'; IS loaateG. <br />"'lzn ^,ro~:.oseu w-~rdrierts .}~oulc. also li mat the nurr~er ~,nc s;-r:o of <br />inform~ationa signs in the i TM' district. <br />outside the ~""~ district *he proposer: arlersinents ~~;ould limit outdoor <br />acvertising signs place:~rt to ~.rec~s designated as activity nodes in ~-~e L,nc <br />Use plrn zna sites s~cificalltT gored General Ccr:~rcial (^Ca•) and Industrial <br />.... lr'r enc. 3 located adjacent tD i?C ~"u, "_?C 57, *?C 5~', ??C 70. 'I'l:e rrDposwls ~.1so <br />include a ?provision for spacin7 of Dutdoor ac.v°rtising ~ahich a Nlies to 1000' <br />radius spacing liru.t bet-?,-een lisps. <br />a <br />C:;~`~2',C:IL'r CatC'3, 1nuE'72n`'Cnt i,1L'rChant, nDtedLrtdt .:i].Gn3 ZrL' c^~lread1r <br />re7ulatec; ay State anu ?ec;Frri rec+ulations. ~Ie further notea the Cow'~t}~ gets <br />to of all sales tai: revenue fro-; retail merchants ~;ho acvertise. <br />'•:illt~oit nuestiened :he role signs play in generatinc local iilco::~ any' <br /> stc^.f to ebtin .~tuclies o:'. 1'~O,a effective signs ~rere as ~ ~~ans to <br />generate local business. He thought in=orr.tional anu logo lisps ~_~ere trc <br />primary means to gcrerate business a.4 intercha:^.ges. with responder: the staff <br />,scald obtain stuc:ins. <br />'°e 13oarn discusser loco signs. <br />Toe Crea+s of I:cAc.•lalcs rotes sales increase: cf 2~• to 450• t•rith lco sig~.s. <br />Tie also felt cstaalisz-gents which cannot use a logo (: uch ~.s Dar.:.ol r~one <br />Village) should be allo;•r.::~ to nlrce signs on ti,~ interstate. <br />-- Chucf: '7illard, president of i7a.riel i;oone Merchants Association, e;;r,ressec: <br />concern erith the reov_1 of signs advertising t±~e Daniel ?3oone Village anc: i:.s <br />businesses or. Znterst~.te fi5. z~.e cites possible loss of income v:ith sig <br />reno•~al. with res~r~:ed the i/roposa'_ does not affect lisps in 4he. <br />uillsborough ,jurisdiction and if a sign in the County's jurisdiction :•><zs found <br />to be nonconforring, "sere is a five year removal period ~~•hich reflects tine <br />ti~x? necessary for a7ortization of the investment. <br />~z ur.icentified ran .~sl:ed t'.1at an^le o_ logo signs :oe prepare~~. <br />t•?l;itted clarified only gas, food an. lodgirr estaalishrents are ~hotan or. logD <br />signs. <br />Smith indicates cost savings could be realized through use of logo lisps, <br />citing the state averace yor sicn rental is 52,000-53,C00, and for loco rental <br />:~ras only 5150.00. to;~d uestionec w7e high figures. Crews inc7icater'. he could <br />vouch for t'~e rigures for_ic~or,4'±1d's adverb serent. <br />ferny Cecil, o~;•r:er of iufland Gulf. Station on r-85 invicat~ his reliance or: <br />signs and advertising to cor..~te ~•:ith other gas establish,lents. <br />_- ~Terr~• ~aile~~, :Iillsborauh ~a^.ip1 scone Shill, ir,ciicated one-third of Y:i: <br />business of the interstate e:as venerated by his his;~-rise Nign. :.e adder ~'~e <br />• - - orgy gray to sell is i~o ::orr:ete. He notes rt3ny trzvelers loot; f0!' c. S~.eC1f1C <br />cgs or lociginv establish::~nt. <br />`?ilL~oit clarified .the purpose of logo sig:>a was to inform the gaveling <br />pub;.ic oy the snscific esta,;~~1i s:u:~nt. Bailey re; rx,; deg that e. s`7eci f i c vas <br />reference rat= be a fu11 service station or auic;:ie-r:art. Another indivi?ua' <br />noted the ebsence of ~ricea r;? th logo si g~~s. <br />john Bivins cited t1.e benefit realizes trrou;h outdoor asvertisi:le~ on I-85 <br />to the Colonial ?nn. <br />Jir" Paliourus, Chris' nestaurcnt and vu^.occ~ i:lr;icated Chet outr.ocr <br />ac,vertisinc. si^::s re i:~vaiuz~~le an:: account far 10;; increase c; his business. <br />T,1 n*.~~'• i nr-ni rc ~ ~"-nn` l [.n=1 rgmi.l=lCat~ pn O` t.~7e '~rC17JSed reCLll'''ion5. <br />