Minutes - 19840117
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19840117
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8/14/2008 1:14:41 PM
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8/13/2008 12:40:14 PM
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os~ <br />5 <br />the greatest .threat to maintaining amenities and property values. And <br />finally, <br />6. If the proposal is in a transition area, are we keeping our <br />commitment, made explicit in the Land. Use Flan to respect the <br />development needs of the municipality that will annex? i.e. as county <br />commissioners we do not forget the policy of the State that states: <br />that which is urban should be municipal. That we will turn it over in <br />good shape. <br />She expressed concerns of satisfying the needs of everyone. <br />Planner Coutu presented the request on the proposed zoning change <br />for 45 acres located in Chapel Hill Township on Tax map l7 and includes <br />that portion of lot 15 that is south of the I-40 Corridor on the north <br />side of Weaver Dairy Road. The recommendation from the Planning Board <br />is that the property be rezoned to R-5 Residential. <br />Commissioner 4Talker moved and Commissioner Lloyd seconded <br />approval of the Planning Board recommendation that the property be <br />rezoned to R-5 Residential. <br />Commissioner Whitted expressed a concern for the traffic on 86 and <br />Weaver Dairy Road.. Different information on the number of lanes on <br />Weaver Dairy had been received from the Department of Transportation. <br />Commissioner Willhoit expressed a concern for the traffic on 86 <br />and Weaver Dairy Road. <br />He expressed a concern of access; that recommending R--5 instead of <br />R-8 does not address the basic issues of concern, <br />-'. Commissioner Flhitted recommended that a request from Orange County <br />for a meeting be sent to the Department of Transportation: (1) to <br />determine the future use of Weaver Dairy Road; (2) inform DOT of the <br />problems and concerns of the Board. <br />Commissioner rarshall noted that knowing the accommodating <br />carrying capacity of Weaver Aairy Road will help the Board determine <br />the future use of the land. <br />MOTION ON THE FLpORs VOTE: Ayes. Lloyd and Walker; Noes, <br />Marshall, Willhoit and Walker. <br />Commissioner Marshall questioned a possible contradiction in the <br />planning ordinance about planned development. Attorney Gledhill will <br />provide further clarification on this item. <br />Commissioner Marshall moved, Commissioner whitted seconded denial <br />on the proposed zoning change for 45 acres to R-8 Residential. VOTE: <br />Ayes, Marshall, Whitted and Willhoit; Noes, Lloyd and Walker. <br />E-2. $Fzonina,^Re$u~gt - pennis Howell <br />Planner Coutu made the presentation on the proposed zoning change <br />from R-1 Residential to Community Commercial-3 on three acres located <br />- in Chapel Hill Township an Tax map 24 lots 27, 27C and 27A on the south <br />side of vaeaver Dairy Road and on the east side of NC 86. <br />Commissioner Marshall stated that since this property is located <br />in a commercial transition activity no~3e the question is not if the <br />property can be used for commercial, but the concerns are with the <br />traffic problems and preserving the right-of-way. The use is not being <br />denied but the question is whether it should get a straight rezoning. <br />Commf.ssioner Lloyd moved and Commissioner Walker seconded approval <br />on the proposed zoning change from R-1 Residential to Community <br />Commercial 3. VOTE: Ayes, Lloyd and Walker; Noes, Marshall, Willhoit <br />anti Whit?-ari _ <br />
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