Orange County NC Website
r <br /> S <br /> G-14 LEASE AGREMETES 1P1 SSIOI�T OFFICE SPACw <br /> CHAPEL HILL HOUSING AU7HOPX1Y (see permanent agenda file for this lease <br /> agreement) <br /> Attorney Gledhill questioned the three (3) year lease provision and <br /> whether the county should be obligated for that length of time with only one <br /> possible tenant. <br /> Commissioner Tlhitted :roved and Commissioner Marshall seconded approval of <br /> the lease with the three (3) year provision being changed to reflect a three <br /> (3) year provisional period dependent upon the occupancy of the building. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> G-15 EYW1B=ION OF OFFICIAL,BONDIS (see permanent agenda file) <br /> The Board of Commissioners examined the six (5) bonds presented as <br /> required by state law. Commissioner I lker moved and Commissioner Whitted <br /> seconded approval of the bonds with an increase for the Sheriff's bond to <br /> $25,000. vOiE: Unanimous <br /> G-16 - (see permanent <br /> agenda file) <br /> Commissioner Marshall moved and Commissioner Whitted seconded acceptance <br /> of the project ordinance amendmont for the Councilville CD Project. VOTE: <br /> Unanimous. <br /> G-17 r, - S (see permanent agenda file for this <br /> amendment) <br /> Cormissioner 'lhitted moved and Commissioner Marshall seconded the approval <br /> of the budget amendment for data processing. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> At this time, Commissioner WilLhoit proposed that the Chairman's salary be <br /> reduced to the same level as the other commissioners; seconded by Conarissioner <br /> Lloyd. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> G-19 P (see <br /> permnent agenda file) <br /> County Manager cited that emergency repair is needed at the Cedar Grove <br /> Center and additional parking is needed at the Northside Center. Commissioner <br /> Nfhitted moved and Corrrissioner Marshall seconded approval of the manager's <br /> request with the provision that the lot at Northside be graveled until such <br /> time as the required permanent structures are constructed. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> C-1 r. <br /> Commissioner Walker moved and Commissioner Lloyd seconded the motion to <br /> rescind the water conservation moasures. <br /> C-5 M02MM CHA=- =X EMMLISM, T' (see permanent <br /> agenda file for this charge) <br /> Cor u. ssioner Tlillhoit announced that Judy Seed, who was approved for the <br /> Child Care Council on IIovenber 15, 1983, is ineligible because she is not a <br /> resident of Orange County. He nominated Lynn Johnston to serve on the Child <br /> Care Council and Commissioner Lloyd nominated H.G. Colman as the industry <br /> nominee on this council. Commissioner Lloyd moved and Commissioner Marshall <br />