Minutes - 19831128
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19831128
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Last modified
4/27/2017 11:18:07 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 12:39:42 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 11-28-1983
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p3�O <br /> 4 <br /> 4 <br /> Mr. Ray expressed his concern for the natural state and what would be the <br /> minimum and maximum limitations. Nis. Smith stated that the maximum area would <br /> be about 190 feet for the portion not cleared and the minimum would depend upon <br /> the slope. <br /> C-4s� �T]JY39- <br /> Marvin Collins made the presentation noting the proposed zoning <br /> classification for non-residential use classification, and the cost associated <br /> with the development (primarily water and sewer) . <br /> Commissioner Whitted asked the procedure for determining the portion of the <br /> existing classification to be reclassified or zoned for non-residential. Mr. <br /> Collins replied: the survey done by Cheeks Township (2) the tax maps which <br /> designated the dimensions and size of each property, and (3) the actual acres <br /> covered by a particular piece. <br /> Commissioner Lloyd noted (1) that zoning in Cheeks Township has probably <br /> caused more controversy in the County than anything else while the zoning <br /> ordinance refers to harmonious development in the County; (2) that after the <br /> October 3 meeting, he was approached by Chairman Whitted regarding the concerns <br /> of the people in Cheeks Township; (3) he requested an immediate up-to-date <br /> copy of the ordinance and the land use plan to study and come up with the best <br /> usage for Cheeks Township; (4) that there has not been enough time for the <br /> people of Cheeks Township to review the proposal and come up with a <br /> recommendation; and (5) the need to have the engineering study results. He <br /> would like this zoning done in a harmonious manner acceptable to the people in <br /> Cheeks Township. <br /> Lily Cobble, Cheeks Township, noted opposition of rezoning at Cheeks <br /> Crossing stating that she is proud to live on her one acre in this area. Dr. <br /> Irvin noted that there are zones that contain only one or two acres, and this <br /> presented no problem. <br /> Dr. Irvin read a comment from the newspaper quoting Mr. Gastineau, <br /> Chairman of the Economic Development Commission, "The creation of the <br /> Commission was one of the greatest things that has happened here because EEOC <br /> will help lure industries to sites by securing the necessary zoning and <br /> utilities in advance. If the zoning is right, it saves the industry so much <br /> time and speeds things up. <br /> Any further comments on this item will be received on December 14, 1983. <br /> C-S Ra=z ni <br /> a. $ j��gronerty of_B Dce Smith in Hi_lls6grouh T9wnshin_ from <br /> R-1 to R-4 Residential <br /> Jeff Coutu made the presentation. (see page of this book) . The <br /> purpose of this request is to enable residential development on 10,000 square <br /> foot lots in order to provide less expensive single-family homes. The Land Use <br /> Plan designates this as a 10-year transition area and it is reasonable to <br /> assume that the Town of Hillsborough would annex the area within 10-20 years; <br /> according to Clarence Rosemond, Water and Sewer Superintendent for the Town of <br /> Hillsborough, water service is available by way of a two-inch main. Sewer <br /> service can be made available by either installing a force main or by relying <br /> on a gravity flow system. The developer would have to bear the cost of <br /> extensions of water and sewer facilities. <br /> No citizens commented. <br /> Commissioner Whitted asked the proximity of I-40 to this property. Susan <br /> Smith explained that this tract would cross old 86 east of this property. <br /> No citizens commented. <br />
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