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Commissioner Gordon said that there are hard decisions to be made during the budget <br /> and she asked if the Board wanted to wait to send it out or do it now. <br /> Frank Clifton said that they would not plan to move forward until after the budget is <br /> completed anyway. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the parking issues would also have to be resolved at <br /> the Link Government Services Center and other County offices. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this is mostly related to daytime parking. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that the ADA compliance and other regulatory approval <br /> would still need to move forward and Frank Clifton said that some of it is pending this project <br /> and use of this facility will change the access system. Commissioner Yuhasz said that this is a <br /> reason to proceed with the design phase. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br /> to send this design back for revisions, bring it back to another work session, and get the <br /> project ready to go. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that as long as the Board is clear about moving forward with <br /> the design and not moving forward with the decision and that it is in the context of the budget <br /> and the spending capacity, then that would be an appropriate message. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked that when this comes back that there are more 3D <br /> images. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that the public deserves to have a place where they know <br /> meetings will meet regularly and be televised. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 2. Appropriations to Fund Existinq County Capital Projects, the Establishment of a <br /> County Capital Reserve Fund and Balance & Close County Capital Projects <br /> Financial Services Director Clarence Grier said that this process has been going on for <br /> many months. There are some solutions for the capital projects such as setting up a capital <br /> projects reserve fund. <br /> Michael Talbert said that there are five distinct actions for the County Commissioners <br /> tonight: <br /> 1. Appropriate General Fund Balance to provide funding for County Capital Projects that <br /> have a shortfall. <br /> 2. Appropriate Solid Waste Fund Balance to provide funding for Lands Legacy. <br /> 3. Establish a County Capital Reserve Fund for future County Capital needs. <br /> 4. Review and Close completed and active County Capital Projects. <br /> 5. Appropriate County Capital Fund Balance to provide: <br /> a. Funding for four projects with a shortfall. <br /> b. Funding for the County Capital Reserve Fund. <br /> 1. Appropriate General Fund Balance to provide funding for County Capital <br /> Projects that have a shortfall. <br /> Michael Talbert said the Board of County Commissioners was presented a two-year plan on <br /> February 3, 2009 related to School and County Capital Projects. The plan was to fund a $5.9 <br /> million dollar shortfall from the General Fund. A total of $4.2 million dollars has been <br /> appropriated from the General Fund, $3.5 million in Fiscal Year 2008/2009 and $.7 million in <br />