Orange County NC Website
Section 3: The Board shall comply with the current open meetings Statutes <br />(G.S. 143 - 318.11). In general, all meetings shall be open to the <br />public. <br />Section 4: Robert's Rules of Order shall decide points of procedure not <br />otherwise covered by these by -laws or rules and procedures <br />adopted by the Board for the purpose of conducting its business. <br />ARTICLE VII: COMMITTEES <br />Section 1: The Chair may appoint committees as deemed necessary for the <br />successful implementation of the Board's purpose and operation of <br />the Board's programs. <br />Section 2: All committees must include at least one member of the Board but <br />may also include non -Board members. <br />Section 3: "1'he committees shall serve until the completion of the work for <br />which they were appointed. <br />ARTICLE. VIII: METHOD OF AMENDING THE BY -LAWS <br />Section 1: 'These by -laws may be revised by simple majority vote of members <br />present at any regular meeting of the Board at which a quorum is <br />present, provided notice of the proposed amendment and the <br />wording thereof has been given at the last meeting preceding the <br />regular meeting and provided that such changes do not change the <br />structure of the organization in such a way that the Regional <br />Library would lose its not - for -profit status. <br />ATX)PTED: December 16,1992 <br />!AMENDED: April -1; 1998 <br />9/98 <br />12 <br />