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During the aforementioned inspection, Mr. Bobber indicated that the site was being re- <br />evaluated with respect to the location of all proposed structures, as well as their overall size and <br />use, and that finther modifications to approved site plan(s) would be necessary to accommodate <br />the University's needs on the property. <br />Staff was asked to provide guidance on the necessary review and approval process to <br />accommodate these anticipated revisions. <br />In reviewing this request, staff has determined the following: <br />1. Sometime in 2003 a discussion began amongst Planning staff and University officials <br />over the possibility of developing a research facility on the property that included <br />housing and breeding facilities for mice, dogs, and hogs that are utilized to support <br />various research projects <br />2. In November of 2003 a letter was issued by the Planning Department informing the <br />University that the property could be utilized to develop a `Universities, Colleges, and <br />Institutes' land use in accordance with the provisions of the Orange County Zoning <br />Ordinance (hereafter `the Ordinance'). <br />Such uses were considered a permitted use of property within the AR zoning district per <br />Section 4.3 Table of Permitted Uses after the property owner /applicant demonstrates <br />compliance with applicable provisions of the Ordinance including, but not limited to, site <br />plan approval as detailed within Article Fourteen (14) Site Plan Approval Procedures. <br />3. On October 8, 2004 a site plan application proposing the development of a University <br />research facility on the property was submitted. <br />4. The site plan (`Phase 1') was approved by staff on November 22, 2004 allowing for the <br />development of the following on the property: <br />a. 1,500 square foot research office, <br />b. 8,850 square foot research bio -lab, <br />c. Parking facilities for employees, <br />d. 11,000 square foot rodent retention facility, <br />e, 5,000 square foot dog kennel, <br />£ 1,000 square foot storage facility, <br />g. 15,000 square foot kennel and lab are to support a new `Blood Lab', and <br />h. 5 pig enclosures <br />The site plan denoted the location of several buildings on the property, above and beyond <br />what was asked by the University for the County to approve at that time. <br />It should be noted that there was no reference on the approved site plan denoting the <br />overall size or capacity needs of the septic system necessary for the project nor was there <br />any reference to the number of employees that would be working from the property. <br />2 <br />