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20 <br />8.7 Minor Changes To Be Approved By Zoning Officer; Modifications <br />Require Action By Approving Board <br />The Zoning Officer is authorized to approve minor changes in the approved <br />plans of Special Uses, as long as they are in harmony with action of the <br />approving Board, but shall not have the power to approve changes that <br />constitute a modification of the approval. A modification shall require <br />approval of the Board having jurisdiction. <br />*8.7.1 Criteria To Be Used In Determination <br />*Amended <br />715163 a) Any change in a condition imposed during the approval of a special <br />use permit shall constitute a modification. <br />b) Any change in use or enlargement of existing use shall constitute a <br />modification. <br />c) Any increase in intensity of use shall constitute a modification. An <br />increase in intensity of use shall be considered to be an increase in <br />usable floor area, an increase in the number of dwelling or lodging <br />units. <br />d) Structural alterations which. significantly affects the basic size, form, <br />style, ornamentation, andlor character of the building as shown on the <br />approved site plan or described in the applicants narrative shall be <br />considered a modification. <br />e) Substantial change in the amount and /or location of open space, <br />recreation facilities or landscape screening shall constitute a <br />modification. <br />fl Any increase in the size or number of approved signs shall constitute a <br />modification. <br />g) Any change in parking areas resulting in an increase or reduction of <br />five percent or more iri the number of spaces approved shall constitute <br />a modification. <br />h) Substantial changes in pedestrian and/or vehicular access or <br />circulation shall constitute a modification. <br />i) Any change in a setback required by the provisions of this Ordinance <br />or imposed as a condition of approval shall constitute a modification. <br />j) Any change in the location or extent of street and utility improvements <br />or rights -of -way, including water, sewer and storm drainage facilities, <br />which would provide a different level of service shall constitute a <br />modification. <br />8 -8 <br />