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19 <br />8.4.11 Time Limits on Special Uses <br />Amended <br />10/7/91 Construction of Special Uses must start and proceed within twelve (12) <br />months of the approval of the Special Use Permit. If no construction has <br />started within the stated time frame, the Special Use Permit becomes null <br />and of no effect. <br />If a request is received before the permit expires, the Board of County <br />Commissioners, for good cause shown, may extend the expiration deadline <br />six (6) months upon the favorable recommendation of the Planning Board. <br />No changes shall be made to the conditions of approval. Only one such <br />approval of the time extension is permitted, and it shall be based on evidence <br />presented by the applicant showing that permits have been pursued in a <br />timely manner, and that delays have resulted from factors beyond the control <br />of the developer. <br />For developments which require approval of a Special Use Permit, the <br />applicant may request that the Special Use Permit be vested as a Site <br />Specific Developmeht Plan for a period of not less'than two (2) nor more than <br />five (5) years. For vesting purposes, Site Plans and Preliminary Plats may <br />also be approved as a Special Use Permit at the request of the applicant. <br />Additional application inforimation is required, as specified in Article 8.8.27, <br />8.5 Action Subsequent to the Board Action <br />Amended <br />3/14/00 The Zoning Officer shall cause notice of the disposition of the application to <br />be sent by certified mail to the applicant and a copy of the decision to be filed <br />in the office of the Zoning Officer. <br />The Zoning Officer, in the case of approval or approval with conditions, shall <br />issue the necessary permit in accord with the Board's action. <br />The Orange County Manager shall certify that the Special Use Permit with <br />any imposed conditions is as approved by the Board of County <br />Commissioners or Board of Adjustment, as appropriate. <br />8.6 Contents of Application for Approval of a Special Use <br />Amended f . <br />7/6/82 The application for approval of a Special Use shall be submitted on forms <br />provided by the Zoning Officer. Such forms shall be prepared so that when <br />completed a full and accurate description of the proposed use,'including its <br />location, appearance, and operational characteristics shall be disclosed. <br />Additionally, the forms shall, when completed by the applicant, disclose the <br />name(s) and address(es) of the owner(s) of the property involved, and all <br />relevant information needed to show compliance with the general and specific <br />standards governing the Special Use which is the subject of the application. <br />(See Section 8.2) <br />8 -7 <br />