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(1) The later of 30 days after the effective date of this title or 30 days after the Board <br />member has assumed office; <br />(2) The earlier of 30 days after the acquisition of any legal, equitable, beneficial or <br />contractual interest in the property or business, firm, or corporation required to be <br />disclosed in Sections 19, 20 and 21 or prior to the award by Orange County of a <br />contract with or a permit or other approval to a business, firm, or corporation <br />required to be disclosed in Sections 20 and 21. <br />Section 24. <br />Subject to the limitations contained in this section, every Board member who has an interest <br />required to be disclosed by this title shall disqualify himself/herself' from voting on any matter <br />involving any such interest which comes for official action before the Board of County <br />Commissioners of Orange County. The following interests do not require disqualification: <br />(1) Interest in real property which must be disclosed in Section 1 provided the issue <br />before the Board of Commissioners is one of `policy that affects the real property <br />disclosed no differently than all other property similarly situated. <br />(2) An interest in business, firm, or corporation which is negligible from the point of <br />view of the operation of the business, firm, or corporation. <br />Section 25. <br />Any member who violates any pr+ <br />may be fined not more than one thousand <br />both. Any member who is convicted of a <br />forfeit his/her elected or appointed office, <br />of the final judgment of conviction. , <br />Section 26. <br />This Title shall annly onlv to <br />of this title shall <br />($1,000) or impri <br />second violation <br />;h office shall be <br />County. <br />be guilty of a misdemeanor and <br />>oned not more than one year, or <br />of any provision of this act shall <br />considered vacant as of the date <br />13 <br />