Orange County NC Website
44 <br /> 304 Larry Wright: i would like to close the discussion. LeYs vote on this first issue. Can you state it again,Craig? <br /> 305 <br /> 306 Craig Benedict: This criteria is a county designated criteria where we take the Class II reservoirs, Lake Orange,West Fork on <br /> 307 the Eno and do a half mile buffer around them and accepting that over any ridgeline encroachment that you would cut off that <br /> 308 half mile buffer at that point. Also,below the reservoir dam,you do not see a half mile buffer there on this criteria because the <br /> 309 water doesn't flow from below the dam to above the dam. <br /> 310 <br /> 311 Larry Wright: I would like to entertain a vote. All in favor for this Class I I protection. <br /> 312 Vote: Unanimous <br /> 313 <br /> 314 Craig Benedict: The next bullet is applying the criteria that we are protecting the streams between these two Class II Reservoirs <br /> 315 and where they are picked up in the next reservoir down here. This is the Eno River and the West Fork of the Eno River. This <br /> 316 criterion creates a half mile buffer on both sides of the stream. <br /> 317 <br /> 318 Earl McKee: Is it my understanding that by using the half mile buffers in this area,that we are going to require a larger lot size by <br /> 319 definition and my question is this reservoir, even though proposed,may or may not be built. If the reservoir was sitting there, I <br /> 320 don't have a problem with putting a half mile boundary around it to protect the water quality of the lake if it exists. I realize the <br /> 321 water is flowing from the reservoirs through the stream bed down to the pick up point but I question that the likelihood of <br /> 322 additional pollution,not like a Hurricane Fran situation,but additional pollution from the stream flow down. I am questioning the <br /> 323 need for this half mite boundary on the river or creek from the reservoirs down to Corporation Lake. <br /> 324 <br /> 325 Craig Benedict: There were two questions. One is we are not putting our buffers against this future reservoir that was ghosted <br /> 326 in We are just going to the actual Eno River and this is the West Fork Eno River. We are not talking about the bubbles out here <br /> 327 in this criteria. The reason for it is the water that gets picked up at Lake Ben Johnson and Corporation Lake is a combination of <br /> 328 water that is held back in these reservoirs plus all these little streams that feed into Eno. We are saying additional <br /> 329 sedimentation;more impervious could create difficulties for the quantities in these two points. This is not a major change. In this <br /> 330 whole section,this is less than what it was before. <br /> 331 <br /> 332 Earl McKee: Have there been or are there studies taken at the dam or just below the dam site on both these reservoirs and just <br /> 333 above Corporation Lake to compare the water quality as it exits the reservoir and is picked up at Corporation Lake. <br /> 334 <br /> 335 Craig Benedict: There is not but last night on our agenda, we did get approval to get sampling points along sections of the <br /> 336 Neuse River Basin so we are starting to do samplings at different points on the Eno but we don't have any water quality data. <br /> 337 There have been studies by the Upper Neuse River Basin Authoriry that suggested lower densities and lower impervious in these <br /> 338 areas which we can provide you with that supports our keeping a critical area of this size. <br /> 339 <br /> 340 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: In terms of what we are going to hear,looking at protecting space between the reservoirs,are we still going <br /> 341 back to A and B? <br /> 342 <br /> 343 Craig Benedict: We are going to go exactly as shown. <br /> 344 <br /> 345 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: If we vote on that,we will still consider the critical area line in terms of either A or B? <br /> 346 <br /> 347 Craig Benedict: As we go through these criteria, you will be making decisions over here. They will be defacto decisions by <br /> 348 voting on these things it will be answering those questions. <br /> 349 <br /> 350 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: When we are looking at streams between the resenroirs,that doesn't necessarily address the issue of the <br /> 351 critical line at Seven Mile Creek Reservoir? <br /> 352 <br /> 353 Craig Benedict: We are not there yet. <br /> 354 <br /> 355 Mark Marcoplos: What we are looking at is that we are protecting the water in the two reservoirs with a relatively high standard <br /> 356 because we have already decided we will protect the half mile around those two reservoirs. We are protecting water quality <br /> 357 because we believe that is the right thing to do. That water will then flow down to Corporation Lake and Ben Johnson Lake <br /> 358 where it will be picked up for treatment. The streams are flowing in and the same water we are protecting up in the reservoirsis <br /> 359 coming down to the treatment facility. It would be highly illogical not to protect that water all the way to the pipe. <br /> 360 <br /> 361 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: It was already protected in the 1994 plan they are just changing the lines and you are saying the reason we <br /> 362 want to change these lines is because.... <br /> 363 <br />