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43 <br /> 243 watershed line,there is 101 little sub watersheds and we are not including those as the ridgeline breaks of the sub watersheds. <br /> 244 There was a question about the state critical areas and how we define them so we are in agreement that we are going to protect <br /> 245 at least those two areas. Are we in agreement that we are going to protect the West Fork and Lake Orange with a half mile <br /> 246 buffer? <br /> 247 <br /> 248 Larry Wright: LeYs put this in the form of a proposal to give an up or down vote on. <br /> 249 <br /> 250 Craig Benedict: A critical area really isn't much of a decision point. Class II Reservoirs. <br /> 251 <br /> 252 Larry Wright: We are voting for what now? <br /> 253 <br /> 254 Craig Benedict: We are voting to pass these as an Orange Counry designated critical area and have a half mile of protection <br /> 255 around those two reservoirs. A Ciass II reservoir is where there is not a pipe that goes directly into it. These are more flood <br /> 256 control and water storage and then they release water downstream. <br /> 257 <br /> 258 Perdita Holtz: Maybe we should show that maps that show the critical area broken down by criteria and have them vote by <br /> 259 criteria. <br /> 260 <br /> 261 Craig Benedict: This is the state criteria;there is not a vote on that because we cannot go less than the state. We can go more <br /> 262 and everything after this is more than what the state requires. <br /> 263 <br /> 264 Larry Wright: We are going to make an up or down vote on we need a map to match the definitions of the Class II areas? <br /> 265 <br /> 266 Craig Benedict: Yes. <br /> 267 <br /> 268 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: We want to maintain a critical area in the Class II reservoirs. <br /> 269 <br /> 270 Larry Wright: Any other discussion? <br /> 271 <br /> 272 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: The fact that those two Class II reservoirs are not connected to Class I reservoirs is of no concern in this <br /> 273 vote? <br /> 274 <br /> 275 Craig Benedict: They are hydrologicaily connected. <br /> 276 <br /> 277 Perdita Holtz: Maybe it would be helpful if you showed how the criteria get applied. <br /> 278 <br /> 279 Craig Benedict: That is the first criteria, second criteria, the third criteria is applying this between the resenroirs, and then we <br /> 280 have the fifth order streams. A first order stream is that first point where water starts flowing,two ones flow into a creek to make <br /> 281 a second order and when two second order stream come together,they form third order,once you get third,foRh and fifth order, <br /> 282 you start getting a reasonable stream flow. <br /> 283 <br /> 284 Mark Marcoplos: The issue now is do we want to maintain a reasonably strict standard of water protection, half mile around <br /> 285 these two reserooirs, it doesn't mean no one lives there, it is a level of zoning proven to work in other areas and to me it is a <br /> 286 pretty simple matter of yes, we would want to do that. We certainly want to protect the reservoirs we have. I think it is a no <br /> 287 brainer. <br /> 288 <br /> 289 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: When you had your communiry meeting, you had one in that area, what were the comments in the <br /> 290 community about this? It really expands the area or retracts the area. <br /> 291 <br /> 292 Craig Benedict: It does expand a section out here but there is only an 8%difference overall. <br /> 293 <br /> 294 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: What did they say about it? Does anybody here live up there? <br /> 295 <br /> 296 Larry Wright: Yes.I do. <br /> 297 <br /> 298 Craig Benedict: You build less with these new restrictions. As I said it will depend on the soils and the history of the average lot <br /> 299 size in that area is more restrictive than what we are suggesting now. In the community meeting,we talked about paper zoning, <br /> 300 one unit for one acre that we show you on paper but then we coined a new phrase called land zoning and that is what the land <br /> 301 can actually handle and that is where the soils and the well and the stream buffers affect the lot size. We are not suggesting one <br /> 302 unit per five acres we are just creating better definition and protecting that one half mile around this future Phase II reservoir. <br /> 303 <br />